Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The end of our Trip

The next morning after Disneyland Brandon and I woke up at about 2:30 so that we could be to Arizona before 9 that morning. It was a really early morning after our tiring day at Disneyland. However, it was worth it since we were able to go through the temple with Devin (Jason's wife) for her first time. It was a good morning spent with Devin and Brandons parents in the temple and being able to support Devin for her first time since she is the only member in her family and had no one else to go with her. After the great morning going through the temple and sharing that special time with her we met up with Jason and went out for some pizza for lunch at Barro's. After that we headed back to their place and played some card games before Brandon and I had to take off back to California. It was a short trip, but, it was worth it! 

Brandon and I stopped by Yogurtology which was our favorite frozen yogurt place in AZ on our way out. Funny thing is that we used to have a card with them but didnt think it would be existent anymore since we had been gone for over a year. She looked up our number and we were still in there. Not only that, but, we had 3 dollars off a frozen yogurt! It was awesome! haha So we thoroughly enjoyed our yogurt on the way home! 

Stopped by our first home!! It was so weird to see it again! The palm tree was HUGE!! haha

Ashley sent us this picture saying that Wyatt did not want to lay on the couch, he wanted to lay like this!! I thought it was funny and I just had to add it! :-) 

Luckily we got back around 10 that night and got some good sleep so we could enjoy the next few days in Cali and just relax! We played games with everyone and just enjoyed spending time with my siblings before they headed out on Sunday afternoon! On Monday we ran some errands and went to the Maternity store so I could get a few things and then went and grabbed a little treat before heading back to the house to relax! 
Enjoying some frozen yogurt with GG.

That night we headed to IN N OUT for one last meal before we headed out on Tuesday!! Then Tuesday morning we got all packed up and let the boys play outside one last time before we had to leave and get on a plane to go home! Then for lunch we headed to Chick fil a with my parents and let the boys play before making them sit in the plane for a couple of hours. Then we had to say Good Bye! It is always so sad saying Bye!! In Brandon's words, "its always like a funeral!" haha After saying our Good byes we headed to our terminal and sat and waited to board our flight. The boys did great again on the plane ride! It worked out so nicely because the plane was not full, so I sat with Wyatt and had an extra chair next to us and Brandon sat next to ethan with an extra chair next to them. So we had a ton of space to move around with and Wyatt had fun going from window seat to middle seat! By the end they were so tired!! Wyatt made it all the way until we took the shuttle to our car and then he slowly started to fall asleep! 

So tired!!! I held on tight to him and he just nodded off! haha
They slept until we stopped and got sandwiches from Firehouse subs for dinner and then they woke up. So we gave them their sandwich and put on a movie for them to enjoy while we finished the drive home! It was nice to finally be home and we were lucky that the boys went right back into their own rooms without a hesitation. I was worried that they would be wanting to share a room again since they had been for the past 2 weeks but they didnt say anything about wanting to be in the same room. They just went right to bed. The only difference was Wyatt wanted a pillow! haha He had gotten used to sleeping on a pillow at Grandpa and GG's house and he must have liked it because he now sleeps on a pillow! haha 
It was such a fun trip! We were so glad to be able to spend the time with Grandpa and GG and most of my siblings for a little while! We sure wish we had family living closer so we could get together more often! Maybe some day but for now we just have to enjoy the little visits we get with them every once in a while!! We are truly blessed with such great families on both sides!! 

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