Monday, April 13, 2015


We decided to take a rode trip to Visit Brandon's sister Coya and her family in March. We figured we might as well get out and visit who we could before this baby comes since we wont be traveling much after we have this little one. So we thought it would be fun to get out and see Coya and John's place in Arkansas. The day before we left I took the boys to the park and Wyatt fell off the swing. I didn't see him fall off but I was pushing the boys both pretty high. When I saw him he was laying on his back and crying really hard. I felt so bad! I was then worried about him while he took a nap since I didnt know exactly what he hit. I kept thinking, "what if he had a concussion or something and I put him right down for a nap as soon as we got home." yes I know worry wart! But, I felt so.. bad that he had fallen off the swing. Then of coarse when he woke up he cried. As he pulled himself up in his crib he started bawling and grabbing onto his neck. So the rest of the evening I was worried that maybe he broke something.  He kept crying about it anytime he put pressure on his arms or if I picked him up under his armpits. Of coarse we were leaving the next morning for Arkansas and I didnt know if he was just tender from the fall or if he had broken something. So we figured he was probably fine since he could move his arm and nothing felt broken. So anyways we put him to bed with some medicine and figured it would just be better the next morning. The morning of the 13th we headed out at 3 in the morning and started our drive to Arkansas. It was interesting driving through kansas and the emptiness! haha It was just lots of barren land and then there would be a random farm or something! It was a totally different drive than our drives to Idaho or California! Plus half way through the drive when the sun came up and it started to get warmer we noticed that our AC in the car was not working. It got pretty warm in the car, which was not fun for me being 6 months pregnant! Thankfully it got cloudy by lunch time and started to rain so our car cooled down a bit. We were so ready to be done with the drive by the time we got to Coya and Johns. The kids were super excited to play with their cousins and their dog clispy. The next couple of days were just filled with the kids having a blast together and some activities on Saturday. It was a quick but fun trip! 

The boys were excited to eat their lunch in the back of the car! When we stopped for lunch it started to rain and the wind had picked up so the boys did not want to be outside because they thought it was cold. Both Brandon and I thought it felt great outside after being in our hot car for so long! So we ate some sonic and then finished our drive! 

The kids had a blast playing in this little play tent! 

Even the dog had fun playing in the tent with the kids! 
I just love how much fun the kids had together! 

Then we went to a ladies house to decorate sugar cookies! 

The kids had a blast!! Ethan and Wyatt couldn't wait to eat the cookies! hahaha It was pretty much torture for them to not eat the cookies and to sit and decorate them for an hour! haha By the end they couldn't take it anymore and started eating some of their cookies! haha

Walmart Museum 

We went and checked out the Walmart museum and then drove by where John worked! 

Later that day we headed to this "fun zone" that had mini golf and an arcade. So we played some golf and then hit up the arcade games! 

The kids had fun and by the time we were done we went to Chick fil a for dinner and then home to get the kids bathed up and put them to bed! 

The kids enjoying some ice cream before bedtime! I just had to put all these pictures on here because Wyatt's faces are so stinking funny! 

Park time! 

On Sunday we headed to the park right near their house and let the kids play for a bit. We managed to fit all 4 kids on this swing! haha 

Playing with some "sands Alive". 

Enjoying some coloring and sand on Sunday.

This picture pretty much sums up how hot we all were in the car on the way home from Arkansas!

Wyatt had a hard time with his arm the whole time we were there. He had some rough nights with waking up because of his arm and kept falling all the time because he was not getting enough sleep and he would forget his arm was hurt and just be his energetic self and end up falling on it. So it was a rough weekend for him. We all had a fun time playing games and just being together. Of coarse on Sunday night Wyatt had a really rough night. I ended up having Wyatt sleep in the bed with me and Brandon slept on the couch so that he could maybe get some more sleep since we were getting up early to drive home the next morning. Both Brandon and I did not get much sleep that night because Wyatt kept waking up screaming. I just wanted to get him home so we could take him to the doctor and see if his collar bone was fractured or something since he just kept crying about it. That morning we got up at 3 again and got the kids out of bed so we could head home. Ethan woke up before we were ready to get him out of bed and I had him go to the bathroom. Then as he was walking over to the couch with his pillow and blanket he threw up. It was so dark I didnt even realize what was happening until he started to throw up again. So I ran him to the bathroom and then went to get a rag to clean up the vomit on the floor. Of all mornings it had to be the morning we were going to be in a car all day. So we got him cleaned up and in the car and then headed out. We had a bag ready for the next time he needed to throw up and told him that if he needed to throw up to tell us so he could have the bag. He did really well at letting us know when he felt like he was going to throw up again. Thankfully he only threw up one more time and made it in the bag, which we dumped on the side of the road! Then he was fine (Thank goodness). So Wyatt was asleep and Ethan was done throwing up and we were just hoping the rest of the trip would go smoothly. Then the sun came up and it got hot again! Our car was SO hot!! The boys were sweating in the back and there was nothing we could do about it. We stopped at Wendy's for lunch and enjoyed the air conditioning. Brandon tried to figure things out so see if he could get the AC working again but couldn't figure it out. So after eating we filled up all of our sodas with a ton of ice and some more cold soda and headed back on the road for the few hours that we had left! The boys are seriously champs, I complained about it being hot in the car and they didnt seem to care even though they were all sweaty! It was sure nice to finally be home and out of the hot car. We took the car in the next day to get the AC fixed and turned out that our car had 3 leaks in it. So there was nothing we could have done on our drive to fix the air. 
So the trip was fun, the drive home was an adventure needless to say and we are kind of glad to be done traveling for a while! :-) 

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