Monday, March 30, 2015

Round 3

Around the beginning of October we found out we were expecting our 3rd little one! I did not think that I was going to be pregnant because I was not having any signs that I was like I had in the past! In fact I thought for sure I wasn't. Still I was curious and took a test and it was positive! I told Brandon by putting a roll (supposed to be a bun but I didnt have one!) in the oven and as I left to go upstairs I told Brandon that I left something in the oven and wanted him to check on it for me. He then came upstairs and was all, "was that supposed to be a bun in the oven?" I told him yes and he was excited too. The third time around it did not really set in for a while that we were going to have another baby, but, we were still excited! A couple weeks after finding out I was pregnant I started to feel a little sick to my stomach. Nothing too crazy just mostly annoying and sometimes for gross to my stomach than others. This lastest a lot longer this pregnancy than my past pregnancy's. I started to think for sure we were going to have a girl. I also have had a lot more pains this pregnancy. Almost uterus and pelvic floor pains from even before my second trimester! It has been pretty annoying. I can't run or it hurts me and if I am up and doing too much I end up needing to sit down for a while so I stop hurting! Not very fun if you ask me! Brandon's Dad told us that we were having another boy! However, I did not want to believe him! I thought for sure we were going to have a girl this time! 
Our little peanut at our early ultrasound  I believe it was at 9 weeks that we got this done. 

We were planning on going to California in January to go to Disneyland. So we were really hoping to get the ultrasound done before heading to Cali so we could tell my family what we were having in person. That didnt happen though. Then I heard about this DNA test that I could get done and they said it was only 25 dollars. So I thought why not! I would be able to find out what we were having before going to Cali. So I decided to get it done. Right after getting it done I was talking to a friend of mine who said that I better check and make sure that the test was only 25 bucks because she had a friend that ended up doing the test and had to pay 3 grand!! AHH!! I freaked out!! Luckily I was able to call the lady from the lab and she reassured me that it would only be 25 bucks. So we will see! We still have not gotten the bill yet! haha I couldn't believe it though. I just kept thinking, "did I just make a 3 thousand dollar mistake?" I was sick to my stomach thinking about it! So we are just counting on the lady's word that it will only cost us 25 bucks and not somewhere around or above 3 grand! So crazy!! Anyways, we got our results and.... we are having our 3rd boy!! To tell you the truth I shed some tears that day! I didn't think I would but I was so sure that we were having a girl that when I was told we were having another boy I was shocked!! Then once the tears started coming they just wouldn't stop (stinking pregnancy hormones). I was really happy and excited to find out that we were having a boy I just was not prepared for it. I LOVE my boys and I know how to handle boys so I was just shocked! Not sad that we were having another boy just shocked since I thought for sure we were having a girl! Plus I want a girl someday so my chances are dwindling! haha But we are super stoked to have this little boy join our family! Plus the more I think about it the more I realize how excited I am to have another crazy little boy around here! Now Brandon has all the boys he needs to go golfing as a foursome when the boys are older. 

Definitely a boy! haha He was not shy at all! It was like he was wanting to let us know that there was no way he was a girl! haha 

He looks so cute!! Everything looked great in his ultrasound and the boys thought it was the coolest thing to hear the little guys heart beat! 

We told my parents and a couple of my siblings that we were having another boy by taking a picture with mickey hats on the three boys and my tummy and me with a minnie hat! No one got it until Brandon said that the hat was stuck and then it kind of started to set in. I didn't get the reaction I was hoping to but everyone thought and hoped we were having a girl! But, everyone was excited for us. Who wouldn't be! We have the cutest little boys ever! :-) So we bought this little onesie for our new little guy and posted this later on to let friends know that we were having a boy! 

16 weeks 
21 weeks 

25 weeks

28 weeks

As time goes on I am getting more and more ready to be done being pregnant and have this little guy join our family! I have had a bad back with this pregnancy since 18 weeks that I am almost just getting used to it. I have collapsed once because of my back this pregnancy. It was in the middle of the night. I woke up on my back and then had to get up to help Wyatt. I barely made it back into my room and asked Brandon to get some tylenol for Wyatt. I then started for the bathroom and after getting done in the bathroom started to head back to bed. I took 2 steps out of the bathroom and collapsed! I couldn't even crawl back to my bed. I could move. I just had to sit there on my knees on the bathroom floor and wait till Brandon got back from helping Wyatt. As soon as I heard Brandon come back into our room I quietly called for him. I asked if he could help me. He thought I was in bed and when he got to my side of the bed and noticed I wasn't there I told him that I was on the bathroom floor. He turned the light on and asked what happened. He had to practically carry me back to the bed. I couldn't put an pressure on my feet because it hurt my back so bad!! It was the first time that I had wanted to cry because my back hurt so bad! Brandon then said that I needed to figure something out and stop sleeping on my back. Its not like I try to sleep on my back, I just end up there every once in a while! It was a bad night for my back! The rest of the night it hurt anytime I had to flip over to my other side to sleep. I was not very happy! Luckily that has not happened again. I have found that if it is hurting that bad that I have to ball my hands into fists and apply pressure to my lower back so that I can make it back to my bed at night! Needless to say I will be happy when this baby is here and my back can get back to normal! haha 
I am hoping to do a V-bac this time around and as long as this baby is heads down and my body does what it is supposed to I will be able to. So we are really hoping that I can do a V-bac this time. I do not want to have a c-section. Plus my sister Ashley is getting married the week after my due date. So if I want to have a chance to make it I have to have this baby the normal way. I will not make it if I have a c-section. So I will be having lots of talks with this baby as time gets closer! 
The boys are also very excited to meet this little guy. Especially Ethan. There have been many times where Ethan will tell me that he is so excited for me to have this baby. He has been so funny about this pregnancy. He is so much more curious and excited, I love it. He thinks it is fun to feel the baby move and he will tell me to be careful so I dont hurt my tummy and the baby. He asked me once, "mom, are you going to die when the baby comes out of your tummy?" I told him no and he asked if they were going to cut me open to get the baby out. I told him that they had to with Wyatt but I am hoping they dont have to this time around. I reassured him that I would not die and he didnt ask any more questions! He seemed so concerned about how this baby was going to come out of my tummy! It has been hard to have the energy to play with my boys this time around. I can't do as much as I normally do because of my back which has been hard. The boys handle it well though and I am so grateful to have such good boys. Sure they can be frustrating at times, but for the most part they are really good boys! 
Oh ya, one last thing about this pregnancy. I had a couple weeks in the beginning of my second trimester where I was getting what looked like little bug bites on my legs. They itched like crazy!!! They always showed up at night and I would have to scratch them and sometimes I would break them open and then they would stop itching. I thought maybe we had bed bugs because it only seemed to happen at night. However, I was the only one getting them. So one night as I was woken up by the itching I decided to look it up online. I read something that said it could be pregnancy related and normally happened to girl expecting a boy. For some reason the testosterone boost in the system can cause these little bug bite looking bumps. I ended up using some Cortizone cream and that helped a lot. Then after a couple of weeks of this misery it stopped! I was SO glad when it went away. I mentioned it to my doctor and she had never heard of something like that happening before. Thankfully it just went away by itself. I was worried I was going to have to deal with it for the rest of my pregnancy which would have been HORRIBLE! haha 
Anyways, I think that is about it for updates! We are super excited to me our little Emet in a few short months! :-) 

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