Thursday, July 16, 2015

Time to meet our little one!

 That morning June 15th when the hospital finally gave us the go ahead to come in we were so excited. We couldn't believe that we were finally going to have this little guy and I was finally not going to be pregnant anymore. So we got ready and made an egg sandwich for Brandon and I to eat before heading to the hospital (which both of us had to force down). Then we grabbed our bags and said bye to my mom and that we would keep her posted and then we hopped in the car and headed to the hospital. When we got there we got checked in right away and put in our room. Then our nurse came in and started going through paper work and got my IV hooked up just for when we needed it. Then we waited for my doctor to arrive and to get things started. So we got to the hospital at 7:30 and my doctor showed up around 8:30. She checked me and I was at a 3 and about 60 percent effaced. So they started me on pitocin and my doc said she would be back in a couple of hours. They started me on a low dose of pitocin and when the nurse came in like a half hour later she raised the level because she said I looked to happy still. haha It was super easy for a while. I kept watching the monitor to see babies heart rate. I was so worried that it was going to fluctuate too much and that they would just change me to a c-section. Luckily that never happened! At 11 my doctor came back and broke my water. That is when the contractions got tough. I knew they would because that is when they got rough with Ethan. But, man did they get hard and painful. I had to lay on my side because Emmett's heart rate was dropping a little so I was laying on my side and every contraction my right rib would KILL me and the cramp pains from the contractions were so painful. Every contraction I would have I would close my eyes and tap my forehead. I don't even know why I did it but it helped me get through the contractions. I caused myself to have a little bruise on my forehead because of how hard and how much I was tapping my forehead! haha So by 12 I was really ready for the epidural. I had my epidural in by 12:30 and then my mom showed up just after that. She dropped the boys off with a friend just down the street and then came over. We hung out for another hour and a half and then I was having major pain in my bum. It felt like someone was trying to force a bowling ball out of my right bum cheek (maybe TMI but this is my memories! haha) So the nurse came in and checked me and asked if I was ready to have a baby. She had me push once and told me to stop and got the doctor! I pushed for about 2 contractions and then my doc asked if it was ok if she cut me because I was probably going to tare anyways and the cord was wrapped around his neck so he was getting kind of tired. What was I going to say, "no do not cut me even though my little one is going to be strangled from his cord." ya no!! So she cut me a little and then Brandon said that she reached in with two fingers and grabbed the cord and pulled it off his neck and then he basically just slid out after that! He was slightly blue when he came out but his color came back super fast! He was so sweet!! I almost cried after he was born this time! I had made it through a v-bac and he was finally here!! No complications. Just a healthy beautiful baby boy!!! The other crazy part was that because it was basically a 6 hour start to finish labor and delivery I was not even that hungry after. My stomach had started growling around 11 but then my contractions were so strong and then I was so tired from the epidural that I didn't even think about food. Then after I pushed him out I didn't even feel hungry! I knew I probably should eat but I didn't really feel like it. Anyways, they got me sewed up and Emmett taken care of really quick and then I was able to hold him and we just loved up on him. My mom then left to go grab me some Culver's for lunch and Brandon and I just enjoyed our sweet little Emmett. After I ate my lunch my mom headed back to get the boys and feed them dinner and then we were moved to our recovery room shortly after that. They moved me from labor/delivery to recovery super quick compared to our other experiences which was nice. So we got settled in the recovery room and then my mom showed up with the boys!

Just about to head out to the hospital! :-) 

Watching the monitors.
I dont think I really took my eyes off of the monitor. Thankfully there was never cause for alarm. :-)

 So glad my mom took a picture of the clock when he was born. I dont think they even mentioned what time he was born! So it is nice to remember! :-)

 The very first time I got to see and hold my sweet little Emmett!!

Our sweet little Emmett weighing in at 7 lbs 5 oz and 18 inches long! Just a sweet bundle of joy!

 LOVE these pictures!! 

 The mischief makers coming to meet their next victim! ;-) haha Ethans stance makes me laugh everytime!!

They were excited to come meet their new baby brother!

 Wyatt was more interested in Emmett than Ethan was.

 Ethan did not really know what to think! haha

 Wyatt kept doing a silly laugh and covering his mouth! It was so funny! He had never done it before!

 The boys with their little gifts from Emmett.

 Getting to really see their new baby brother for the first time! Ethan was excited once daddy let them see him close up!

 Then the nurse gave the boys "Big Brother" wrist bands. They were pretty excited!

 The golf team is complete! haha Love the four men in my life!!

The Three Amigos! 
Wyatt and Ethan were so excited to be able to hold their baby brother. Wyatt took his turn first and was comfy as could be holding him and watching some tv. Then when GG tried to take him away to give Ethan a turn he was all, "No, Im fine." haha He kept telling GG when she would ask him if he could let Ethan have a turn and he would say, "not yet." haha He was having too much fun holding his baby brother. 

 Our first family pictures as a family of 5!

 Me and my silly boys!! Can't believe I am a mother a 3 boys now! :-)

Love holding this precious little boys hand and cuddling him as much as possible!!

GG and her new grandson.
Thank goodness she at least got to be there for his arrival!

Our steak and lobster new parents dinner! Both Brandon and I had never had lobster before. It was not all that bad! Weird texture but other than that it was pretty yummy. The dinner was way better than the one we had in AZ! haha

Daddy was excited! :-)

What a precious little thing!

Our last family pic before leaving the hospital!
Good bye hospital.. hello life at home as a family of 5! :-)

On our way home! In his car seat for the first time! 

We had some great nurses for our stay at PVH. They were all super nice and helpful. We stayed at the hospital for just over 24 hours and then we headed home. The hospital stay was nice though. They didn't bug me half as much as the nurses did at the hospital in AZ and they were good about getting me some pain meds. My cramps were way worse this time around post baby. I was having 
pretty bad one and I started to tap my forehead again with one of them and that is when I realized I needed something a little stronger for my pain meds. So they got me some percoset and that helped them not be as bad! Emmett slept great that night. I would wake him up to feed him at about the 4 hour mark. I would wake up because of cramps realize that he needed to be woken up to eat. He also did a great job with nursing while we were at the hospital. We had a lactation lady come in and see how we were doing and she said he was doing great and latched on well and was just doing awesome! Oh course that only lasted at the hospital and then we had a little tougher time at home. The boys thought he was pretty cute when they saw him. Wyatt was a little more excited at first but I think Ethan was just trying to process it and the whole situation. He warmed up to Emmett quickly though and then they both wanted to hold him. Brandon and I got a yummy steak and lobster dinner the night we were at the hospital but that was really the only good thing we ate while there! haha Over all our hospital stay was a good one and we were so excited to have our sweet little Emmett finally in our arms and couldn't get enough of him!

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