Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ringing in the New Year (January 1-14th)

To start off the New Year we headed to the outlets to get some new shoes for Ethan since he had grown out of his other shoes. 

The boys were so excited with how Daddy did their hair. Ethan thought his hair was super cool having a little mohawk and Wyatt had his hair done like Daddy does his hair. They are such handsome boys.

Since the Temple is being built in Fort Collins the members are providing cookies for the workers each Monday. So after the holidays was when I had signed up to take 4 dozen cookies to the worker at the temple. The boys had fun helping me make the cookies. Wyatt was excited to give them to the workers. I had to tell him that we were not going to be handing them out to the workers but we were dropping them off at the temple ground and a lady would come grab them. He was pretty sad that I didn't let him help give the cookies to the lady when we went that Monday morning. I should have let him out and I could have taken a picture, but, I didn't think of that until we left. Oh well, it was still a good experience for all of us to provide a service for those working so hard on the temple construction. 

Wyatt also had his first Sunday in primary as a Sun Beam. He looked so handsome and grown up sitting in his chair with his arms folded. I was lucky enough to be able to watch how he acted in primary the first time because I was a sub for another class that Sunday. He kept looking back at me and waving. :-) 

We also started off our first Monday of the New Year by going to Texas Road House. We have not been able to take advantage of their free kids meal nights on Monday's because of basketball. Now that that is over we decided it would be fun to go. The boys love going to the "peanut place".

Emmett did pretty good sitting in his high chair next to Daddy. Look at that smile! :-)

I LOVE how Emmett is looking at his Daddy. So sweet!! Luckily I brought baby food because he was getting fussy so we broke out the food and he was a happy camper after that. 

The only picture of me and the boys and it turned out blurry! haha Oh well.... you can't have every picture in focus I guess! haha 

Emmett's first time sitting in the cart at the store. He did pretty good for the first little bit and then he kept tipping over! haha 

He looks so small, and yet he is getting so big so fast!! 

Me and the boys went out and played in the snow for a while and made a snow man! 
Well I made the snow man, but, the boys helped pack in extra snow to make our snowman more stable.

They sure do love it when I make snowmen! haha 

This is how I found the boys one morning. It is a good thing the crib is strong and my boys don't way too much! haha

Nothing better than watching a little bit of PJ Masks in the morning after Ethan goes to school. 

Wyatt liked that I put Emmett next to him. I told him to make sure he didn't fall so he wrapped him arms around him. So stinking cute!!!

My parents Christmas present to Brandon and I was late but when it finally came we were surprised for sure. We were excited for a minute... until realized it really wouldn't fit anywhere in our house. haha Brandon started measuring all of our biggest spaces and it still wouldn't give us enough space to run around and actually play it. So we had to send it back. Luckily it was damaged so it didn't cost my parents anything to get it sent back. Some day we will have a ping pong table. 

Anytime I put a beanie on Emmett in the car he ends up pulling it over his face. As soon as he pulls it over his face he becomes quiet. You would think he was asleep because of how quiet he gets. Nope, he is just hanging out with it over his face! haha Silly kid! 

Then we went over to our neighbors Cassie and Ryan's house for dinner and a movie. The kids watched Turbo and us parents played some farkle. It was a fun evening! 

What makes making a bed a whole lot more fun??

A little Emmett in the bed!! :-) I had more fun making the bed with him on it then I have before! haha 

Now this picture I just had to take. Wyatt is so funny with how he goes pee in the toilet. Ethan would sit down or stand up next to the toilet and just get on his tippy toes. Wyatt likes to get on the toilet and still be able to aim. haha He looks so cute and funny! I love it and now I finally have it documented! 

To start our Family Home Evenings for the New Year we did a lesson on "I am a Child of God". After talking about it we colored and cut out crowns for everyone. Even Brandon and I made our own crowns. At the end we watched a mormon messages on the TV about I am a Child of God and then closed. The boys really liked it. They especially liked the crowns. :-)

We are truly blessed to know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and that there is more to this life than what we see. I am so glad that I know we are all Children of God and that as we choose the right and follow Christ's example we can all be together forever. It is a true blessing! I love my family so much and want to be with them for eternity! 

Emmett is getting so big! I love all of these new phases with him and yet I miss the cuddly phase when he would just sleep in my arms. However, I love seeing his smiles and hearing his giggles so I will enjoy this time as well. He is so stinking cute. 
We seriously have such a cute little family and our boys are such good boys. They have their moments but who doesn't. We have been truly blessed with our boys and I am just trying to enjoy every moment with them while they are so young. They won't be young forever and I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. 
Anyways, we have had a good start to our 2016 so far! :-)

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