Wednesday, January 24, 2018

November 6th-18th

The month of November went by pretty quickly and we had some good times. Here is how the first part of November went. 

We took Wyatt and Emmett to the museum one morning and Emmett played with the trains for a really long time. He loves trains right now!  

 Brandon took Wyatt out golfing with him for some one on one time. 

 While chatting with my parents on the computer Emmett kept looking at them from behind the computer. He would hide and then pop his head over and say, "see you!" haha it was quite funny! Ethan and Wyatt were running around like animals making as much noise as possible and being a crazy as they  could be while we talked with my parents. It always makes for a good conversation... not!! 

 One afternoon I went in and got my teeth cleaned. Wyatt got to be Susan's assistant. He did a good job doing the suction. It was cute to see him so excited to help with my teeth cleaning. haha 

Wyatt wanted me to start reading him "How to train you Dragon". So one afternoon I started to read some to him. I read a TON of the book. He kept telling me to keep reading, so I did. Before I knew he we were on page 50 or something like that. As I was reading I noticed Wyatt sounded like he was snoring a little bit. However, with Wyatt being the only person I know that snores when he is awake I figured that he was still awake. I decided to look anyways and I found that he was fast asleep. haha So I shut the book and then attempted to lay him down on the couch on a pillow. I was able to lay him down and successfully he stayed asleep. He slept for if I remember correctly about an hour longer. haha The poor kid was so tired and I had read him right to sleep. haha

This picture was taken for a very good reason. Ethan was very adamant about teaching our Family Home Evening lesson and told me that he needed a small candy for his lesson. So we went to the store and bought a bag of skittles. The Sunday night before he was going to give his lesson he had been sick and he was more concerned with being able to be in charge of the lesson for FHE still than the fact that he was sick. He really wanted to give the lesson. So that Monday night he did just that. He got the skittles out and we put them in this cup and he said, "Each day we have to think of something that we know about Jesus. We have to say 2 things that we know or have learned about Jesus and then we get 2 skittles." He was so proud of his lesson and he had some good things to say about his Savior Jesus Christ. It was super cute and we did a pretty good job at doing this each day. If we forgot to do it Ethan would remind us. 

This was Ethan's creations. One was a robot vampire I believe and the other a snake. 

This picture was curtesy of Wyatt. He said it was a giraffe. I believe the picture is sideways so if you tilt your head you can see that he has a very long neck at the top and the bottom there are legs. haha Wyatt was very proud of his giraffe. haha

One morning as Ethan was headed out to run for the bus since we were running late again. He ran into the street and somehow tripped on his shoe and face planted in the middle of the road. Sadly, he had been telling me that he didn't want to go to school since he had been sick and he said that he didn't want to go that he was still not feeling all the way better. I had convinced him that he needed to go to school because he had missed too much and he was going to have a field trip the next day. I told him that if he wanted to go on his field trip that he had to go to school that day. So he finally decided to go to school and then he tripped and hurt himself running to the bus stop. Needless to say we missed the bus. He got up and started crying and saying that he was not going to school. We got him inside and cleaned him up and finally got him to agree that it wasn't going to be embarrassing to go to school with a scratch on his face. It was not the best way to start the morning. haha By the time he got home that afternoon he was all smiles and told me that no one cared about his bandaid on his face. 

After getting Ethan off to school I relaxed with Wyatt and Emmett. Since my back was hurting really bad and I had put myself basically on bed rest so that I could ice it and take it easy and let it heal it was really hard to not let the boys watch T.V all day long. So I decided to lay on the couch in the basement and watch them play. That way I could interact with them a little bit while I laid on the couch icing my back but didn't have to get up. I even had a sword fight with Emmett while I was laying their on the couch. haha  

We also got to go watch some more of Wyatt playing basketball. Ty and Vandy even got to come to Wyatt's double header game. 

After the two games Wyatt was super tired and done with playing for the day. So they rounded the boys up and took a team picture! Then we headed out and got slurpees before heading home. 

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