Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Valentines Day

Valentines Day this year was not all we expected or hoped it would be. Brandon and I were planning on having an in home date night on Valentines Day but, Tuesday he came home from work with his throat hurting him really bad. Yup, he got strep throat yet again. That is the third time in the past 6 months. That is a lot!! He brought home some flowers when he picked up his antibiotics that Tuesday and that was all our celebration for the time being. That night he started feeling really terrible with chills and everything. 
 My bore hubby!!! This one hit him hard and lasted longer than the last time. We are hoping he doesn't get it again. I guess we shall see! 

So on Valentines Day Brandon stayed home from work and tried to sleep and just felt terrible. I made the boys some heart shaped sandwiches for lunch (I even sent a heart shaped sandwich with Ethan to school). 

 Emmett took a bite out of his sandwich and said, "Heart Broken!" haha It was so funny! He made a sad face as he said it too. What a silly kid! 

 Here are the beautiful flowers Brandon got for me!! 

Both the boys had Valentines parties at school and were super excited about it. 

 Wyatt was so excited to show me all of his cool Valentines things he got when I picked him up from school. 

After school we headed over to our friends the Gleaves to make and decorate sugar cookies. The Gleaves boy Owen is in Wyatt's preschool class and Jordan his mom invited all of the boys over from preschool. Wyatt and Emmett had a lot of fun playing with friends and helping make the cookies. 

 It was a fun little group. Plus us moms had fun chatting with each other while the kids played.
After making the cookies and decorating them we headed home to see Ethan and to see if Brandon needed anything since he still felt yucky. Then it was dinner time which was nothing special. I had not planned anything since Brandon and I were planning on having an in home date night but since he got sick he didn't feel like eating much. So I made the boys mac and cheese and Brandon a cup of noodles. I ended up having left over beans and rice and that was that. It was kind of sad haha but, that happens sometimes. We don't always have things go the way we want it to. haha 

 After dinner and letting the kids play for a little bit we gave them our Valentines for them. The boys were super excited. We got Emmett some candy and a little Mickey Mouse candy dispenser that talked. He was thrilled!! Ethan and Wyatt got candy and an Avengers Infiniti stone digging thing. 

It took Wyatt and Ethan about 30 minutes to dig out their little trinket that was inside the powdery stone. Both Brandon and I agreed we should have gotten more of them. haha After they dug out their little stone or coin it was time to brush teeth and head off to bed. Brandon went to sleep early that night and I finished off the night eating what Brandon and I had left of our snickers concrete mixer from Freddy's and watched a little something on T.V. Then I headed off to sleep in our guest bedroom so I could hopefully help Brandon sleep better because he wouldn't feel me moving around or hear Emmett if he woke up in the middle of the night. So although it was not how I imagined our Valentines Day going it still turned out well. I got to serve my Valentine, the love of my life and I got to make the day feel special for my little Valentines! Plus Brandon was home all day, even if he wasn't feeling well he was still home. haha So I will count my blessings. 

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