Monday, February 19, 2018

February 3-12th

Nothing specific going on in the beginning of February. So here are just some pictures of our busy life.

I feel like anytime Brandon and I start to talk about something we can do to change things up in our house that is simple and not very expensive we end up just doing it. haha We talked about changing up underneath our Island and we decided to take measurements and head to Home Depot to check it out. We ended up buying the stuff we needed to cover the dry wall and brought it home to work on it. haha It took Brandon probably 4 hours with having to go back to Home Depot to get one more chunk of wainscoting. Plus one part of the Island was not square. They had put it on at an angle. So when Brandon cut the piece and put it up it didn't fit because it was not straight. He was pretty frustrated. So he had to keep trimming it down little by little until it worked. I don't have a picture of the finished product because we have not finished it yet. haha It is all up but has not been spakled and painted yet. So when that happens I will post a picture. 

Then Brandon was in charge of FHE one night and he did it on the plan of salvation. 

He had the boys each come up and taped a piece of the plan on them when it came time. Emmett was the first one and did so good standing up there with the paper taped to him. I think he felt special. haha It was so cute!! They were all pretty focused on what Brandon was saying because he had them all be a part of the lesson. It was a short and sweet lesson which is always good with 3 little boys. 

Then one morning Emmett got to help me make some cookies. 

Brandon had been super stressed out with all of the things going on with work right now. They are buying some land so build a new office which will cost them A LOT which means that we may not be getting money from the business for a little while. Which means that we have to earn enough just from what Brandon produces and collects for maybe a couple of months which will put us pretty tight financially with everything that we have to pay out on right now. We also don't know if we will have to pay anything on taxes this year and if we do we really can't afford it. He also has a lady calling him saying that he owes 8 grand because of some double billing from Positive Dental. POSITIVE DENTAL.... that was like 3 years ago. They are just saying this NOW?? We don't know if it is legit but it is stressful. So he was pretty stressed out. Probably the most stressed I have every seen him. I just wanted to take it away and make him happier but as he told me later some times he just needs to process it all and there is nothing I can do to take it away. I don't like seeing hims so stressed out. I know we will look back on this time in our lives and laugh at how crazy it was. For now though it is just stressful. Brandon just wants to be financially stable and not have to worry about how we are going to make it each month but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for us just yet. So anyways, I decided to make him his favorite cookies (chocolate crinkles) and take it into him at work. 

After dropping off cookies we made it home just in time to drop off Wyatt at preschool. Then I took Emmett to go pick up a free soup from Chick Fil A for my lunch. I was excited to try out their chicken tortilla soup. So I ordered it, got home and put Emmett to bed. Then I opened up my soup fully prepared to try out this new soup. Come to find out they gave me the wrong soup. They gave me Chicken Noodle soup. To say I was bummed is an understatement. It had been a rough night the night before and not the best day so far. Then when all I wanted was chicken tortilla soup and it wasn't that I lost it. You know you are a hormonal reck when you start balling because you were given the wrong soup. haha Ya.. that was me!! I tasted the soup and then started crying!! Intensely crying!! I have never cried over food before. haha Sometimes being a women stinks because of all the hormones we deal with. haha I blame it on my hormones doubled with a bad day. haha I sure felt dumb crying over my soup but I couldn't control it and so I let myself feel sorry for myself and I sobbed. haha 

Thankfully, after that off day things got back to normal and I had fun taking Wyatt and Emmett to the Discovery Museum one morning before school.

The boys had so much fun playing with the trains and drums and guitars. It was a good time and it was nice to get out of the house and let them have some fun. 

Emmett is always into something. If I am not paying attention he is doing something that I don't really want him to do. One afternoon I was trying to take my fake nails off. I had them soaking in some nail solution with foil wrapped around my fingers. I couldn't do much to help out Emmett to pay attention to him. He kept getting more stickers out of our drawer in the kitchen and then he would come over to me and ask me to help him get the sticky stuff off his foot. He had the lining of the sticker sheet stuck to the bottom of his foot. So when I was finally free and could go see what he was up to this is what I found. He had taken all the stickers off the sheets and put them all over the ottoman and I found them all over the blankets as well. What a little stinker! haha 

Emmett is also very into singing these days. He loves to sing on the ottoman, in the kitchen with no pants on, with a piano or guitar or even the vacuum. He always sings at the top of his lungs too and it is so funny! This time he came up from the basement with the sombrero on his head, guitar in hand singing something that must have been what he thought was Spanish. haha It was so funny!! :-) 

As of the middle of January Wyatt is all registered for Kindergarten! I know he is ready for it but I still can't believe he will be going to Bethke next year with Ethan! Our kids are growing up! 

Wyatt wanted me to take a picture of him with his pringles. haha We don't buy pringles really ever and so when we did get some they were very excited to be making duck faces with them. haha 

So last May when I went to San Fransico with my sisters and Mom I got the Burts Jelly Beans. You know, the gross ones. I kept forgetting to give it to the boys so we finally let them try them last week. It was really funny to watch them try these nasty flavors. Ethan would say, "what the....?" or "Seriously?" and then run to the trash and spit it out. haha Wyatt got one that was pepper and at first he thought it was good and then when Brandon told him what flavor it was he started acting like it was spicy. They each got to try a bunch and some of them were really gross. Brandon tried a couple as well and then had me try one at the end. The vomit one was the one he gave me to try and it was disgusting!! I thought I was really going to throw up. haha 

They spent a lot of time running to the trash can to spit things out. haha 

I had to take a picture of Emmett and his Daddy eating cereal out of cups sitting next to each other. haha 
Then of course Wyatt and Ethan wanted in the picture. 

This is a picture of Emmett eating frozen green beans. haha I got the green beans out for making dinner and one of them fell on the floor and he picked it up to eat it. I told him it was frozen and that it wouldn't be very good. Well he thought other wise and kept coming back to me for more. haha 

This is a picture of the boys playing "Chopped Jr.". A few months ago I had the food chanel on and it was Chopped Jr. the boys could not believe that kids were on this cooking show. They thought it was the coolest thing ever. So when Emmett got all of this kitchen play dough set for christmas they pulled it out and decided that they would pretend that they were on the show. It was pretty cute to watch. They would pretend the time was up and then go away and then Ethan would come back and pretend to taste the food and then someone would get chopped. haha 

Oh Emmett!!! haha Why is Emmett behind this follow you may ask? Oh yes... because he sneaked Brandon's phone and hid behind the pillow so that he could play a game and no one would find him. haha Well guess what Emmett... it didn't work! We found you! haha He is such a little sneaker. He wants to play on our phones any chance he can get and will grab my phone or Brandon's phone as fast as he can and then run away and try to play a game before we stop him. haha 
One last thing that I should say about Emmett is that he is getting really good with his sentences. Just in the last couple of weeks his sentences have gotten a lot fuller. Instead of always being these broken sentences they are starting to flow together a lot better. What I also love is when we are walking into a store and I say, "come on Emmett." He will respond, "coming mom!" it is the cutest coming from him as he is walking to catch up. All of our boys are just growing up so much! How did this happen? Well anyways, that is how February has gone so far. Can't complain too much! We really do have a great life! 

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