Friday, February 9, 2018

Christmas Day 2017

Christmas morning Wyatt woke up first. I believe it was just before 7 when he came in and said, "Mom, Dad, ITS CHRISTMAS!!" I asked if Santa came and he very happily said yes. We had him lay in bed with us for just a few more minutes and then we got up and went downstairs with him. He was so excited to see all the presents under the tree and baby Jesus in the manger they had worked so hard to fill with straw. We waited just a little bit to wake the other boys up. It was probably only 5 minutes before Emmett started crying so we went and woke up Ethan and got Emmett out of bed. All the boys were so excited to open their stockings and Emmett kept gasping when he would open up something new. haha It was so cute!!! After stockings we started the rest of the present opening. then of course took a break to eat some cereal that Santa brought up and then finished opening up all of the presents. The boys got hooked up this year. With all 3 boys opening up presents they each got some pretty cool stuff. Brandon got me some new face oil I had been wanting and a yard of snickers and a white jacket I had scene at scheils the previous month that I liked but was too expensive. Brandon got to pick out a new golf bag for himself and he got a small drone and some new hair clippers. The boys just got a lot of things and Santa must have thought they were really good because they got what they asked him for. Ethan got a ukelele which is not an electric guitar but it is the next best thing. Wyatt got his gecko costume and Emmett got a little leap frog lap top. After presents we watched some more Christmas videos to remind us of why we celebrate Christmas and played with toys and just enjoyed the day together. It was a great Christmas and the boys were all very grateful for what they got which makes it that much better. :-)

All three of our boys are obsessed with bubble gum! So they were pretty excited that Santa gave them all their own bubble tape.

They got so many cool things in their stockings! 

Ethan got some new golf clubs!!

Brandon got me some fuzzy socks! I LOVE them!! haha That and some other awesome stuff like some midnight recovery face oil! :-)

Ethan made me something from school and was super excited to give it to me. It was all wrapped up in some paper stapled together. He gave me a Giradelly caramel chocolate. Super sweet of him and it was so cute to see how excited he was for me to open it. 

Because it was Christmas Brandon told the boys they could eat whatever they wanted from their cereal. He said that if they just wanted to eat the marshmallows they could because it was Christmas. So that is exactly what Emmett did. haha He grabbed as many marshmallows as he could out of the bowl and shoved as many in his mouth that he could fit. haha

No more marshmallows. haha

Oh.... there they are!

It was a great Christmas and the boys had lots of fun. The rest of our day was spent playing with presents the boys had gotten and Emmett singing me some songs on Wyatt's piano. haha

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