Thursday, February 1, 2018

Our awesome life after Thanksgiving break.

We ended our fun Thanksgiving week with Wyatt getting sick. Saturday night before everyone was leaving Wyatt started to act not like himself. He wanted to just sit down and watch what we were watching and didn't want to play with his cousins. He was acting super tired and was super sad. I decided to take his temperature because he felt hot and sure enough he had a fever. So we gave him a bath, fed him some dinner, gave him some medicine and then put him to bed a little earlier. The next day he was not feeling well still and stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa while the rest of us headed to church. So it was not the best start to our week with him being sick. Luckily, it didn't last super long. Monday morning Grandma and Grandpa got packed up and headed back home after Grandpa got his tooth fixed at Bran's office. That afternoon Wyatt mentioned that he wanted firehouse for lunch. I decided that since he had not been feeling well and hadn't wanted anything to eat that I would give him whatever he wanted to eat. So we headed to Firehouse Subs for lunch. 

He sure doesn't look like he felt very good yet. As soon as we got to Firehouse he was almost asleep in the car. While we were waiting for our Sandwich I asked if he wanted to eat there or go in the car and eat on our way home. He said he wanted to eat in the car on the way home. Poor buddy was still not feeling very good.

This was Emmett's happy face. haha What a nut! haha

Nothing like snuggles with my boys while watching a Christmas movie!

This was our thankful turkey this year. We didn't get too far with it but at least we did it. haha My back was just so bad that I didn't do very much and I kept forgetting to remind the kids or even think about it.

Time to put up the Christmas lights.

The boys always love to help their Dad put up the lights on the house. It is cute to watch them help him.

Emmett has been really into doing his hair by himself these days. He will go into the bathroom and then come out with his hair combed and spiked. He always makes these kind of faces when he shows us too. It is so funny!! I love his "I am so cool" faces!!

Nothing better than helping Daddy out at work. haha

We headed to Brandon's office to fill a crack in Ethan's tooth. While we were there we decided to take some x-rays to see why his teeth were not falling out yet. We figured it would be a good idea to take a look at his adult teeth that should be coming in. The x-rays were interesting to say the least. We found out that Ethan does not have his 2 front bottom adult teeth. There is nothing there under those 2 front baby teeth. The other teeth showed his adult teeth starting to push against his baby teeth but he does not have his 2 front bottom adult teeth. So Brandon will have to put crowns on them or something to keep his adult teeth from crowding those 2 baby teeth. So CRAZY... we still can't believe it!

Here are just a couple of Wyatt's artwork from preschool! :-)

Emmett is always into things. I feel like if I turn my back on him for just 1 minute he is destroying something. This time we were chatting with Brandon's family and he had gotten the caramel popcorn off the counter and had dumped it all over the floor and was eating it. haha

We also took the boys out for some frozen yogurt one night!! The boys were so excited!!! 

Nothing like giving the kids a bunch of sugar before bedtime! haha 

Another outing to firehouse! What can we say... we really like their sandwiches. Normally anytime we ask the boys where they want to eat lunch it is normally "Firehouse". 

As soon as Thanksgiving was over and life was back to normal I had to get to work on making caramel popcorn. I had a lot to make and I only had 2 weeks till I had to have most of it done since I was making it for Brandon's staff again. 

The boys were more than willing to help. I like to let them help but I also get frustrated quickly when I do because they end up making a mess or doing something I didn't want them to do or told them not to do. Emmett was really funny to watch. He would make the funniest faces when the popcorn would start popping. I tried to catch it on video but of coarse as soon as I tried he stopped acting so surprised and excited. He would gasp overtime the popcorn started to pop. It was super cute! 

Ethan ended up staying home sick from school again and so he laid on the floor in a blanket because he wanted to watch up make the popcorn. Emmett decided that he wanted to be like Ethan so he laid down by him. haha 

Wyatt got to help pour the kernels into the popcorn maker and Emmett got to help turn the bowl. The rest of the job is left to me. I don't feel comfortable letting the kids be around boiling hot caramel. haha 

I also got out the felt tree I made years ago so that Emmett could play with it. He was happy for quite a while the first day I got it out. Then he started to just peel the velcro off the back of the foam ornaments.  Yet again Emmett was destroying stuff! Little stinker! 

We also went to Wyatt's last basketball game on December 2nd. Wyatt sure loved basketball. He did a great job being on defense and I think he will want to do it again next year. 

After their basketball game they got to have cupcakes for a little farewell, good job party! Wyatt was so excited and ate only the frosting. haha

Ethan and Emmett got to have a cupcake too and they were super excited. Poor little Emmett looks so tired!! haha After the game we headed down to loveland to go see Santa. After seeing Santa we headed to grab some lunch at McDonalds for the boys. After letting them play and eat we headed home. We were planning on going to see the lights at Centerra that night but decided against it when the kids were being grumpy and by the time dinner was over we were ready to just send them to bed. Plus my lymph nodes in my neck had been bugging me all day and by the evening my throat was hurting and I was feeling achy. I knew I was getting sick and with how bad my throat was starting to hurt and how crummy I was begging to feel I was worried I was getting strep. Well I ended up waking up in the middle of the night with my throat hurting me really bad and puss on my tonsil. By that point I knew I had strep and was glad that the next day was Sunday. I didn't get much sleep that night at all and the next morning I took some antibiotics that we had in our cabinet and went back to sleep. I slept almost the whole day with little bits of interruptions from Emmett who kept coming in to talk to me and to show me things. Brandon would be downstairs with them and then all of a sudden Emmett would be gone and he would be upstairs in our room waking me up. However, after  a lot of rest and pain meds and antibiotics I was able to feel ok on Monday to be able to handle the kids on my own. 

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