Friday, February 9, 2018

Ringing in the New Year

New Years Eve was spent like any other Sunday. We went to church and hung out with the kids all day. The day ended with the boys banging pots and pans running around screaming Happy New Year at the top of their lungs.

While we were upstairs Emmett started to scream for Brandon. All of a sudden we were "DADDY!!!!" He kept yelling it and when we finally went down to check on him we found him up on top of the window sill yelling and dancing for us. haha

The boys also spent some time taking pictures with their Daddy showing their tongues. Ethan can touch his tongue to his chin and Wyatt can touch his tonsils with his tongue like Brandon can. haha Emmett just wanted to join in. haha 

What silly boys!!

After banging pots and pans and saying "Happy New Year" the boys were off to bed. Brandon and I stayed up a little longer and then said good bye to 2017.

Lastly, I just wanted to write down a few things about each of the boys. Ethan is getting so much better with his reading. He still fights us on it but he is getting better which is always good. He also still hoards everything he can. We find so many random things under his bed or in some kind of box and when I tell him its just junk he gets mad at me and tells me that it is not junk. I guess it is just this phase of life he is going through. We have to tell him not to keep things if he seems interested in it but it is trash or should not be in his room. I had to tell him not to keep a nail because he was looking at it like he thought it was super cool. I didn't want to find it in his room sometime. haha Wyatt is getting really good with his letters and numbers. He knows all his letters and their sounds except maybe 2 of them and he can count to 30. He loves going to preschool and he has become extremely addicted to electronics these days. If I turn off the TV he asks to play on the iPad or the nintendo or Wii. It drives me crazy!! I am going to have to break this at some point. He and Emmett are becoming good little friends too which is fun to see. He still wants me to lay with him at bedtime and since I know it won't last forever I indulge him when he asks. I told Ethan that I could lay with him for a minute or two as well he just had to ask. That lasted a few times and then he stopped asking. I guess Ethan is too old now for me to lay with him at night. Emmett has been getting so much better with his vocabulary. His little sentences are the cutest broken sentences ever. haha He has also been sort of potty training since after Thanksgiving. He started to show interest and was going multiple times a day. So we bought him some pull ups to make it easier for him to pull down his pants when he needed to go to the bathroom. He would go every 5 seconds some times when we were first started. It was always at the most in opportune moments. It got kind of frustrating but at the same time I didn't want to discourage him from wanting to go, so I let him go as much as he wanted. I also could get him to go poop in the toilet if I caught him before he loaded his pants. I would see him making that concentrated face and I would say, "Emmett! Don't go in your pull up. Lets go in the toilet." He would say, "Yeah! Toilet!" and he would run as fast as his little legs would carry him to the bathroom. It was super cute! The hardest part is when he says, "Potty toilet" or "poopoo's" when we are at a store. If he says either of those then he needs to go to the bathroom or has already gone but wants to go finish the last 2 drops in the toilet. So that is not as fun because it is always when I am the farthest from the bathrooms when he mentions it. If we are out at a restaurant like Texas Roadhouse he would want to go anytime one of his brothers needed to go to the bathroom. Most of the time he actually did go when they went to the bathroom. Anytime he does go potty or poopoo's in the toilet he sings his song, "Emmett!! Potty in the froggy toilet." and finish it with a little "yoo hoo hoo". Even at a restaurant or store he will come out of a bathroom and sing that song nice and loud! haha Super funny! We normally sing it with him too! Sometimes after he sings that song he will say, "Treat for me!!" or "Treat for Emmett". haha Hopefully we will be fully potty trained in the near future. Anyways, that is just a little bit on our boys!  Can't wait to see what 2018 brings for our family!

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