Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Back to back trips in March

In March we made a trip to Colorado Springs for our niece Kemry's baptism and then a week later we were on an airplane heading to California. It was a busy but fun month. Our first trip was to Colorado Springs and it was chaotic with the kids running around in the house and the weather not being the best but they had fun. I was not much fun because my pregnancy was just rough on me and so doing much of anything didn't really appeal to me. I took a couple of naps on the couch and tried to be fun. haha We played some games and hung out and chatted while the kids played. I didn't sleep much at all that trip and I was feeling it. Emmett also came down with a rash on his face one morning and it progressively got worse. Ethan also looked oddly flushed for 2 days and then his looked better. It was a quick weekend trip. I didn't want to sleep on an air mattress longer than 2 nights so we made it a quick trip. 

Kemry's baptism was good. She was so happy and we were glad that we got to be there for it. 

Emmett's poor face!! It just kept getting worse. Vandy finally mentioned that it looked like 5ths disease. So we looked it up and it sure looked like it. Then it spread to his arms and eventually to his legs. poor kiddo. Thankfully, the rash on his face disappeared before we headed to California. Then I was worried because that is one thing that is not safe for pregnant ladies. So I became worried that I was going to get it and cause a problem with our babies health. Thankfully I ended up getting some blood work done and found out that I had the antibodies to it. So I had already had it sometime in my life so baby boy was safe. After our quick trip to the Springs I got sick and felt completely awful for 2 days! I started to feel slightly better by the time we got to California but not all the way better. I was coughing up lots of yuck and as soon as we got into Cali things started to move out of my system because of the humidity. The plane ride there was not very fun. My ears were plugged because of my cold and on our way down in the plane I thought my ear drums were going to burst. The worst I have every felt that is for sure. I was pretty upset that I was feeling so sick for our trip. We had been looking forward to this trip for a long time and then I didn't feel very good and was coughing so hard and my stomach hurt and I couldn't sleep very well. Thankfully after a few days and trying to drink some honey lemon water I stopped coughing as much and we enjoyed the time we had. Sadly, Ashley was there with her little one Harvey and I couldn't hold him because I was sick. So I just looked at him from afar. Not that I could have held him with my huge stomach but it would have been nice to be able to be closer to him instead of being a couple of feet away when I looked at him and talked to him. haha 

The boys had a lot of fun playing outside! The weather was rainy for some of it but when it wasn't rainy the boys were outside playing basketball and looking for lizards. 

Cousins time! 

GG even bought stuff for the kids to do an Easter egg hunt. She sent the kids around the corner and then we through the eggs all over the place and then sent the kids around to gather the eggs. GG told Ethan and Wyatt that they had to walk backwards to get the eggs because they are so much older than the other kids and we wanted to give the younger ones a chance to get a good amount of eggs as well. It was funny watching Ethan and Wyatt trying to run backwards to grab as many eggs as they could. Even Ryan was trying to run backwards. haha 

They had lots of fun and after they gathered up all the eggs they put the eggs out again to go hunt for them again. haha 

Wyatt likes being a big helper to the little kids that are around. He let Remy sit on his lap while they watched something. 

Ethan liked helping out with Remy too. 

Classic face! haha Right before getting slapped! 

Lizard hunting. 

Spending some time reading!

A trip to Cali is not complete without IN N OUT and some Hawaiian shaved ice. YUM!! 

We had so much fun enjoying the weather when it got warm. I sat outside and just soaked up the sun and got burnt. haha Ethan and Wyatt loved playing with the ping pong table and Emmett loved throwing the Frisbee around. 

It was fun seeing Ashley and her little guy Harvey. The boys loved seeing Harvey and of course seeing their Aunt Ashley! 

Waiting for the plane! 

These kiddos were so tired by the time we got home. We waited for our bags for I believe an hour!! It was not fun! We had not eaten dinner and it was past bed time and the kids were exhausted. I thought they were going to fall asleep on the airport floor. By the time we finally got out bags it was almost 9 and we had to stop to get some food. It took a while to get food and by then the kids were asleep and didn't even care to eat. We were glad to finally be home. It was a fun trip to Cali. Lots of fun times! Next time I plan to not be sick! haha 

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