Tuesday, March 24, 2020

An eventful Valentines day

On February 13th Tyrel and Vandy showed up with their kiddos. They were going to watch our kids the next day while we took Kayden in for more testing at the Children's hospital. So on Valentines day February 14th 2020 we woke up early in the morning to drive down to the Children's hospital in Denver. We were not super excited for this since Kayden was going to be put under so they could put an I.V in and overload his kidney's to see why his one kidney was not draining. We were a little nervous on how he would handle being put under with anesthesia. Anyways, we arrived and got all check in and answered a bunch of questions and then waited until they were ready for us to go back. Kayden is so funny when he has nurses or doctors checking his vitals he just sits still and lets them listen to his heart and lungs and take his temperature. It is pretty cute. Anytime he has something give him a check up they always mention how good he is being. I am sure it is just because he is super nervous but it is pretty cute that he just sits there super still and lets them get what they need to get done done. What was hard about that morning is that Kayden couldn't have anything to eat or drink that morning and our normal time was pushed back because someone else was late. So we had to wait about another half hour in that little tiny room trying to keep Kayden occupied. He wanted to roll around and army crawl places but there was no where to put him down except for on the bed. So we tried that every once in a while and he did ok for the most part. Then he would try to roll or scoot and would get frustrated because we wouldn't let him go very far. haha He handled it well for the most part and we just did our best and keeping him happy while we waited. 

What a cute little guy in his hospital gown! 

He couldn't get enough of the straps on his wrists. Yum!! haha 

Doing anything we can to keep him happy and occupied. 

What a sweet little boy!! 
After waiting for about an hour in that room it was finally time to head back. We were not able to be in the room with him because he was younger than 1 which seemed weird. So they had us give him one last hug and kiss goodbye and then my little baby was in the hands of doctors and nurses. That was the hardest part of the whole thing. I felt like I was leaving part of my heart in that room. It was so hard to leave him in there with those other ladies. I wanted to be there with him. I knew they would take good care of him but at the same time its not their baby its mine and no one takes better care of him than his mommy!! Plus I wanted to be there to help comfort him if he needed it. But sadly, I couldn't be. So I shed a few tears as we headed out the doors and started walking around. Then the wait began. We had to wait a little over an hour. After close to an hour we saw some ultrasound tech people heading to the area Kayden was in and figured they were doing his ultrasound right then and there as well which was a good thing. Once that was all done it was time for us to go back and see our sweet little Kayden. We had a buzzer and when it buzzed I was very anxious to go see how he was doing. As we were walked back to where he was I heard crying. I was hoping it wasn't him but sure enough it was. One of the docs or nurses was holding him trying to consul him. He was so incredibly sad. So they put him on the bed and I started to talk to him. He then started to calm down for a second. His eyes were still closed but he heard me and that helped him for a minute and then he just kept crying. They were trying to feed him a bottle but with little success. So I tried feeding him a bottle. Which of course we forgot the slower flowing nipple to his bottle and when he is tired he does not like it when the milk comes out too fast. So he kept acting like he wanted the bottle and then would pull away and cry. He was so tired that he was having a hard time staying conscious  enough to drink much of his bottle at all. It was so sad to see him so sad. After not being able to get him to drink a bottle we gave up and decided to try later. We got him dressed and put him in his stroller to let him try and fall asleep. 

After checking out we walked over to the radio station in the hospital where they were giving out stuffed animals and Valentines activities for the kids at the hospital. So we got him a little froggy. He was happy for a second when I handed it to him but then started crying again. So I put him in his stroller and just started walking him around. 

Such a sad little face. He was so sad I so very tired! So I just walked around while we waited to get the images from the testing onto a CD. Kayden finally fell asleep after walking around for a little bit. He slept for about an hour and a half. We went to lunch and he slept the whole time in his car seat even with all the noise around us. He does not do that really anymore. So I knew he was super tired and I was glad that he was sleeping so well. After a good nap he finally woke up and he was so much happier after that. He gave me some good smiles and drank a little bit of a bottle. By that evening he was back to himself. We made it home to the chaos of 8 kids in one household and tried to enjoy the rest of our Valentines Day with Ty and Vandy. 

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