Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Easter Fun!

Easter was started with the world wide fast. So on April 10th (Good Friday) Brandon, Ethan, Wyatt and I all fasted. It was a little different fasting on a Friday with the boys. The fun thing was that we didn't have to make dinner. So we planned on picking up some Nordy's and we were supper excited about that. haha We went on a walk/scooter and roller blade around the neighborhood to get out of the house. 

The kids love doing this. 

Kayden enjoyed the walk in the Ergo baby this time. 

Then we stopped at the pond and the boys thought there were real swans in the pond. They did look pretty real. After closer inspection we realized they were just fake. Im not sure why there were plastic swans in the pond but they looked nicer than the geese that are always there. haha 

Since we were fasting I figured it would be a good idea to do some kind of service activity with the boys. 

So we painted a sign for the healthcare workers. The kids had fun with it. It made the rest of our time fasting go a little quicker. 

Then we colored some eggs for Easter. 
We tired 2 different ways to color them. I didn't have egg coloring kits and I didn't want to go to Walmart just for those so we got creative. Pinterest had rice egg dyeing and shaving cream egg dyeing. They worked ok. Not as good as the pictures showed but it was still a fun and different way to color our eggs. 

At least we still were able to color some eggs. It would have been sad if we didn't color eggs for Easter.

We ended our day with eating Nordy's and watching "Spies in Disguise". It was a great end to the evening. 

This dang bird keeps coming to our window and pecking on it. We came to the conclusion that the bird wanted our passion fruit plant. He was pretty relentless. Every morning for a couple of weeks he would show up and slam into our window. Crazy bird!! 

Kayden has been having a hard time with going to sleep at night. He will be quiet for a little bit and then wake up and cry. We end up just bringing him downstairs and giving him a baby mum mum and that seemed to help. After a couple of those he would go down to sleep without any problems. 

Easter Morning!

Easter morning the boys came into our room around 7 and told us that the Easter bunny had come. They were so excited and headed off to find their baskets. 
Ethan found Emmett's basket and Emmett was super excited. He hit the jackpot!! 

It took Ethan a little bit more work to find his.

When he finally found his he was stoked. He had gotten a 3/3 rubix cube in his basket! 
Life was complete for him. haha 

Wyatt could not find his. He was getting very frustrated and was about to give up. Ethan started to help him look and eventually they found it. That Easter bunny is so tricky! 

Wyatt got his own 2/2 rubix cube! He was super excited about it too.

Jackpot for sure!! Man that Easter bunny sure is nice!

Emmett got some glow in the dark balloons! He was SUPER excited!! haha

Our shaving cream eggs were oozing black color when I warmed them up in some water. haha Kind of gross. They looked like evil eggs. haha 

Even Kayden got a basket this year. 

He wasn't sure what to do with it. He did like his book though and later enjoyed his bubbles. 

Ethan has become a little spicy lover. The amount of pepper he has been putting on his hard boiled eggs reminds me of my Dad. haha So I took a picture of it and sent it to Papa to tell him Ethan was trying to be like him. 

Kayden liked the boys rubix cubes too. 

The bird was back again!! 

After the boys found their baskets and had time to look through them. Kayden took a nap and after that we headed downstairs where the Easter bunny had left some eggs for the boys to find. 

Holy Eggs!!! I think the kids are set with candy for a long time. haha 

Look at that handsome little boy all ready for Easter Sunday Church at home. 

Easter Sunday family pic. 
I just love our sweet little family!!! I am so lucky to have all these boys in my life!!

We had a good rest of our Easter Sunday. The boys learned how to play the game "Wizard" and we chatted with some family on the computer. Emmett ate almost all of his candy that day and still was looking for more. I don't know how he fits so much sugar into his little body without feeling sick. We had to tell him to stop eating his candy or I was going to have to take it away. It was a good Easter Sunday. We relaxed, played games, broke up fights and enjoyed each other. It was a good day! 

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