Thursday, May 13, 2021

Finally some time at home!

 After our Texas trip we finally didn't have anything going on for a while. Although the trips were fun it was nice to finally not be leaving anywhere. So Monday night we decided it would be fun to go to Texas Roadhouse with the boys!

Kayden LOVES soda!! We probably shouldn't give it to him as much as we do but he just sounds so cute when he says soda that it is hard to say no. Plus it was basically water by the time he got to it so we just let him go to town on it. He was sure happy about it. haha 

Having a nice relaxing morning watching some cartoons and cuddling while making weird faces. Kaydens little eyes were going cross eyed more and more often these days. So I had to call and make an appointment with the eye doctor to get his eyes checked out. 
The clouds looked really cool one evening when I was taking the boys to activity days. It looks like a huge wave. Wyatt wanted my phone so he could take a picture of it. Turned out pretty cool looking. 

Emmett had his little Easter Egg hunt at school that week and was super excited about showing me everything he got in his Easter eggs. That and he was so happy with how he decorated his Easter bag. 

April Fools!!!!
The boys were super excited this year to pull pranks on us. The morning of April Fools I heard a bunch of rustling at our door. I knew it was the boys outside the door. At first I was getting upset because they woke me up and I was wondering what they could be doing outside my door early in the morning. Then I remembered that it was April Fools day and figured they were probably pulling some prank on me. So when I finally got up I opened my door to this. haha The kids had put streamers all over our door. It startled me at first and then I laughed. So cute that they were so excited to do this to my door. The fact that they thought that was a prank was so funny!! They were pretty proud of how sneaky they were. They were bummed that Brandon walked out of the door before they were done. They told him to be quiet and not to let me know what they were doing. haha So I figured I would have to pull a prank on the boys when they got home from school that day. 

Ethan wrote this little note to me too. So cute that he wants to help me out around the house!! He is growing up so much it is crazy!! 

Emmett was having fun filling up and draining Kayden's water table while Kayden napped. 

This is what I get for trying to pull a prank on the boys. haha I was trying to figure out a simple trick to play on them and decided to try putting food coloring in the bathroom faucet. I spaced it before picking the boys up so I had to quickly do it right before the boys washed their hands when they got home. It did not work out as smoothly as I had planned. Because it was food coloring it just leaked all over as I tried to screw the faucet cap back on and then I couldn't rinse my hands off in the sink because that would run the water and ruin the trick. So I had to use the boys spray bottle to clean my hands and clean the sink before the boys came in to wash their hands. After I got it all cleaned up I asked the boys if they had washed their hands yet. Thankfully, Wyatt had not washed his yet so he went in the bathroom to wash his hands. I tried recording his reaction but sadly he didn't look down right away when he turned on the the water. So by the time he looked down he only saw some red in the sink. He looked at me all confused and asked me why it was all red in the sink. haha I said, "April Fools"  and laughed and told them what I did. haha 
After that, Wyatt told me he wanted to pull a prank on his Dad. He wanted to do the toothpaste in the oreo. I told him not to do that because Brandon would know that that is what he did. So I convinced him it would be a better idea to put whip cream in the oreo and make it smell minty so he thinks thats what he did. It would be like a double prank. So that is exactly what we did. When Brandon got home Wyatt could hardly wait to give him the oreo. Brandon knew something was up right away and asked if Wyatt had put toothpaste in it. When he smelled it he said, "You did! You little stinker!" So Brandon went to throw it in the garbage and then Wyatt told him not to throw it away and that he was going to eat it. So he threw it in his mouth and was saying how good it was. Brandon was a little confused so Wyatt told him what we did. I would have to say it was a pretty good little trick!! It was our first year that we did any pranks on each other. I have a great idea for next year. Hopefully I remember! haha 

Kayden loves to go to the park anytime we can. He squeals about the slides anytime we pass by one. So when it is nice enough we try to go. 
Sweet little Kayden eating off of Daddy's plate. haha Why sit next to Daddy when you can sit right in front of him and eat off his plate. haha Silly little boy!! 

Then one morning my Mom wanted to go for a nice walk and enjoy the nice weather. So we went to explore the trail right by Walmart. In the 8 years we have lived here we have never walked the path around the pond by Walmart. So it was fun to go walk around and explore for a little bit with my Mom and Kayden. 

Kayden enjoyed the walk and even got to walk for some of it. 

Poor Ethan's hands!! With all the Covid regulations and rules to be able to keep schools open, the boys have to wash their hands constantly at school. With how much they have to wash their hands poor Ethan's hands are always cracking and bleeding. We have to lather their hands with thick lotion every night and if we forget to they crack and bleed again. It will be nice when school is out for summer and both he and Wyatt can stop washing their hands so much. Wyatt's get pretty bad too sometimes but Ethan's are the worst! 

Then to end the first week back home I stepped in grass with sandals on not thinking and my feet got all itchy and bumpy. Stinking allergic reaction to fertilizer. They were getting really bad. Itching super bad and blistery. So Brandon texted one of our friends that is a family care doctor and he prescribed me some steroid meds to get rid of it. So for the next 5 days I was putting on Benadryl cream multiple times a day and taking prednisone! 

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