Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas 2021


Christmas morning had finally arrived and the boys were so excited! They could hardly wait to go downstairs and open their stockings. In fact we had told them the night before that they couldn't come wake us up until 7. Well that didn't work out. haha Emmett and Wyatt came in sometime after 6 telling us that Santa had come. I was willing to make them wait but Brandon turned to me and said, "Are you really going to make them wait?" haha So we got up and came downstairs with them. It really is fun to see their pure excitement. The older 3 boys dug right in to their stockings while I turned on the fire and some Christmas music. Then they were done and had to wait for Kayden to wake up. After about 30 minutes of waiting after their stockings were done with Brandon went to go wake Kayden up.  

Ethan is getting too old. Santa put deodorant in his stocking! haha

Such a lovely sight! Fire on with the glowing lights of the Christmas tree and my sweet family enjoying each other. 
I love the expression on Kaydens face when he was brought downstairs and saw the lights on the Christmas tree and all the presents. 

Kayden was super in to opening presents this year. Which was really fun! 

Kayden could not wait to open up the toys after unwrapping his presents. In fact we had to stop opening gifts so that the kids could open up their toys. Mainly Kayden who kept asking Brandon to help him open up his trucks! haha 

Wyatt bought this for Brandon from the school store. He was so excited to give him this "frame". I just love how thoughtful Wyatt is. He was so excited to give us the gifts that he had bought at the school store. 

After the boys would give each other one of their gifts they got for them I would tell them to give a big group hug. 

Kayden loved his Mickey cup he got. He could not wait to use it. So he moved the stool over to the fridge and filled it with water so he could drink out of it. haha 

My favorite sight! Brotherly love is the best! I just love seeing the boys being kind and loving to each other. So getting pictures of them giving big hugs is a must. They really are a great bunch and get along really well for the most part. It was a good Christmas filled with lots of smiles and lots of fun together. Wyatt asked me that morning if my back was still hurting and I told him that it was feeling pretty good. Which made Wyatt super happy and he said that his wish came true!! After all of the present fun the kids were off to play with their toys and we watched some more movies together. 
Also, one of the gifts we got the family this year was a piano. Well, a nice keyboard! The boys were pretty excited to be able to play on it and learn some piano skills. Once the piano was all set up and the kids were able to play on it Emmett and Kayden were playing on it. Kayden started to play some notes on the piano and started singing, "baby Jesus Christ...! Your baby Jesus" it was so cute. After he was singing I asked where baby Jesus was he said, "Gone His Church!" haha I thought he was going to turn around and point to the manger where the baby Jesus was laying. Instead he said he was at Church. haha Smart Kid! 
Then after Christmas there was a night when Kayden was crying in bed. So we went in to see what was wrong. He kept saying something that at first I thought was Breakfast. After he had said it a couple more times I realized that he was saying "Tyrel". He said, "Tywel piano." then he went back to sleep. haha He has said multiple times when looking at our piano that its Tyrel's piano. haha Such a silly little boy!! 
Anyways, it was a great Christmas even if I was still not feeling all better. I was able to enjoy the day with my sweet little family and reflect on our Savior Jesus Christ's birth and what his life means for all of us! I am so grateful for my sweet family and the gospel in my life so that I know that my sweet family can be together forever!! 
Merry Christmas!!

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