Saturday, December 4, 2021

Normal life after our trip.

After our nice trip in the warmth and humidity we were back in the dry cold. It was normal life as we know it. Emmett had basketball which was fun for him. We also had to start decorating for Christmas since it was November. It was a good month. 

Emmett was so excited to play basketball this year. Yet when it came time to go to practices and games he was not super in to it. He would complain about having to go to practice or not wanting to go to the game. Thankfully, Papa told him that he should do pushups everyday to get stronger and be able to make the baskets. He took that to heart and soon he was making some points and was super excited. It was fun to watch him get out of his comfort zone and learn some actual basketball skills. He really did have fun. 

Then it was Christmas Tree time. 
We were behind on putting up our tree this year since we left on our trip right after November started. So we were almost 2 weeks late putting it up. So it was nice when we finally got around to it. Sadly, I didn't help a ton because it hurt my back. I did enjoy watching the kids do it though. 

It was kayden's year to put up the star. 

He thought it was pretty cool! 
He also enjoyed putting on the ornaments on the same branches or rearranging ones that were already up. For some reason Wyatt wanted to cluster all of his ornaments around the same area. I told him to spread them out a little bit but, he really wanted them all to be clustered together. haha 

Why wipe up the spilt milk when you can just drink it off the table. He thought it was the funnest thing to do. He would look up at me and smile and then go back for more. haha

Emmett is getting pretty good at his dribbling skills. It is always fun going to practice and having them look over with a huge grin when they have done something they are proud of. It makes me happy to see them so happy and proud of themselves. 

Kayden can't eat these days without bringing all of his favorite cars to the table with him. 

Then it was time to put the lights on the house. 

Brandon let the boys get on the roof with him this year. I was not so excited about it and made sure to tell them that they needed to stay super far away from the edge while they were up there. 

Of course Kayden wanted to help too. He kept trying to climb up the ladder. Little stinker! 

Every year we have a TON of leaves in our yard. They are not even from our trees. They are all from our neighbors trees. The only trees we have that drop leaves are our peach and apple tree. Which don't have much to get rid of by fall. So this massive pile is not even ours. Sometimes I just want to throw the leaves back into the neighbors backyards so that they can deal with cleaning them up. I may feel this way, but, we never do it. We just suck it up and clean it ourselves. 

Emmett bagged all of the leaves up by himself. He told Gigi that he wanted to do help out and make me happy. I had been having a rough go and my boys have seen me shed quite a few tears. So Emmett and his tender heart just decided that he was going to make me happy and clean all of the leaves up on his own. I had mentioned that the boys needed to go clean them up. Ethan and Wyatt didn't budge and Emmett went right outside to clean them up so he could make me happy. It was so sweet. When my mom told my this I had to hold back some tears. I really do have such sweet boys! This was no small feet for Emmett to do either. The pile was twice his size and almost as tall as he is. The fact that he did it all on his own was really impressive! 

Off to Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving! 

What? A tasty mixed soda? Yes Please!!! 

And IN N OUT!!! Already a great trip in my book!! haha 

Our Thanksgiving weekend was filled with lots of yummy food and good company. The kids loves playing with their cousins. Kayden had been wanting to go to Beckham's house for a while. So he was thrilled that we were going. 

Kayden kept wanting Piper and Kemry to lay in bed with him. He learned how to climb out of the pack n play while we were there because the bed was so close to it that he could use it to help himself out. The little stinker! He would yell for Piper to come in his bed with him anytime he was tired. haha 

Tyrel smoked brisket for our Thanksgiving meal. It was tasty! We had a yummy meal and lots of fun. 

"Turkey Bread" 
My Dad picked up some cinnamon swirl burst bread from Great Harvest and added Turkey decorations to it. He then called it "Turkey Bread" which Kayden really took to. Now anything he wants this type of bread he called it Turkey Bread. haha In fact, one afternoon we were getting in the car and he kept saying he wanted bread. So by the time I was about to get him some bread he said, "No, Turkey Bread" which I then realized what he was wanting. haha So for our family it will no longer be known as cinnamon burst swirl bread but instead, "Turkey Bread"

After our Thanksgiving weekend in Colorado Springs we were in full Christmas mode. We watched Christmas movies, went and saw Christmas lights and the boys started to earn tickets to be able to give their brothers presents for Christmas. The boys also got to earn a little money by doing some shredding for Brandon and for Papa and Gigi. 

There was quite a bit that needed to be shredded so they made a good amount of money sitting their watching Christmas movies and putting paper through the shredders. Brings back memories from when I was a kid. haha 

Christmas lights! 

We went through the lights put on by the youth camp here in Timnath. The kids enjoyed it, especially Kayden because Brandon let him help drive for a little bit. Then all the fun went out the window when he had to go back in his carseat. 

Nothing better on a cold night after seeing Christmas lights than some cold ice cream! haha 

All worth it, seeing this cute little messy face!

Movie night at Papa and Gigi's.

I do love this sight!! It is just so nice with all the pretty lights gleaming in the night.

We also decided to check out the Timnath Tree lighting ceremony this year. 
It was not as fun as everyone said it was. It ended up just being an evening of crowds, overly expensive food truck food and standing around in the cold before heading home. 
The biggest highlight was having Mickey and Minnie show up! Kayden was pretty excited about that!

We wont be going to this next year. It was not worth it. Way too many people to go stand around in the cold eating mediocre food that is way too expensive and dealing with crowds of people to either stand in line to see Santa or do some crafts. No Thanks!! We would have been better off eating at Chick Fil A and going home to watch a Christmas Movie in the comfort of our own home. haha 

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