Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Finishing up March

The next 2 weeks of March didn't go much better. Emmett was throwing the night we got home. Then Brandon threw up Sunday night and had to stay home from work on Monday. Then Tuesday night I felt horrible and ended up throwing up Tuesday night. Kayden kept randomly crying about his tummy and throwing up. Wyatt was the next one to throw up and had to miss school. Ethan never really got it. He ended up Throwing up like a week after the rest of us. Thankfully all of ours only lasted 24 hours. Kayden randomly threw up for 2 weeks before he finally stopped being sick. 
Kayden was eating pretty good but still complaining about his tummy. He kept wanting his throw up bowl and saying that he was going to throw up. Most of the time he would cry and say he needed to throw up. He would lean over his bowl and then gag and cough and then say he was all better. It was a long sickness for him and when he was finally done with it we were so glad! 

A super cute picture that Emmett took of Kayden!! Look at that cute smile!! 

Then I had to clean Kayden's carseat. He had gone most of the trip without throwing up in his car seat. Then the weekend we got back we went to Mod pizza and he ended up throwing up in his car seat and Brandon's hands. So now we had to pull his seat apart and wash it all to get the smell out. 

Sure was nice to see Kayden feeling better finally!!! 

Sure missed that cute smiling healthy boy!! 

Out for a walk and watching the geese. Kayden kept saying he wanted to catch the geese. Thankfully, I talked him out of it. haha So he just sat and watched them instead. 

These are pictures that the Wyatt drew at school. 

The boys helping watch the car matts to help our car not smell like puke anymore. 

Bring on spring weather!! Nothing better than ice cream bars when the weather is nice! 

Kayden also started to ride his blue bike. He is getting pretty good at it! Crazy how big he is getting! 

Then... Kayden got sick again. 
The last week of March we were informed that Grandma Murri was not doing well at all. He was put on hospice. I knew he was not going to be around long and before we knew it we got a text saying he had passed on to the next life. The funeral was that next week. So Tyrel planned to come here the day before and then he and Brandon were going to drive to Idaho together. That Tuesday before Tyrel got here Kayden all of a sudden came down with a fever. He was super clingy and whiny. The next morning his fever was gone but his nose was draining down his face every 5 seconds it seemed. Poor buddy was not feeling good again!! 
Look at that poor little sick face!! 
Enjoying some breakfast together! 
While Brandon was off to Idaho for the funeral I took Kayden to pot belly and got him some bread while I ate my sandwich. He was so excited for the bread!! haha
Then on the way home he stuck the cup on his head and said he was a princess. haha Such a silly little boy!! 

We had breakfast for dinner one of the nights Brandon was gone. I decided to do fun pancakes and the boys were so impressed with my so called talents. Wyatt wanted me to make his face and then Ethan made his own face. They were very impressed with my heart pancake. haha At least they had fun with it. That was the end of our March. Good ridance to March. It felt like we were non stop sick in March. Really non stop sick since beginning of February. We were really ready to be healthy for a while. Hopefully April will be better! haha 

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