April started with Brandon gone to Idaho. He had to go to Idaho for Grandpa Murri's (the kids Great Grandpa Murri) Funeral. So he was off to Idaho and the kids and I got to spend some time just us.
Kayden will not take a nap in his bed anymore so this ends up happening quite often. We will be running errands and all of a sudden he is asleep.
Since it was now April 1st I had to do something for the boys on April fools day. They were so excited that it was April Fools. So I planned to do a couple of things to try and get the boys.
This face says it all. Kayden found a binkie in the car. I had gone in the house for a second while he was playing in the car (which he often loves to do). When I came back I noticed that he had something in his mouth. As I got closer to the car I realized that Kayden had a binkie in his mouth. He was so thrilled to have found a binkie! I got it from him and hid it. He was so heartbroken. I seriously almost gave it back because I felt so bad! It was a sad day for little Kayden! Without even knowing it he was April Fooled! Poor baby!!!
Then I put olive oil in a diet coke bottle. I had to add a little bit of color in it to make it darken up enough to look like soda. I was really hoping Wyatt would drink it. He gets so excited when I let him have a diet coke. So I thought he would fall for it. Sadly, it smelled like olives. So the liquid didn't make it all the way to his mouth. haha Plus I tried to get my phone out to take a video of him and so he figured something was up with the soda bottle since it was April Fools. haha Fail!!
This is the face of a boy who was April Fooled!!! I asked the boys if they wanted some brownies which really was "brown E's" and when they came over all excited I revealed what they got. Ethan and Wyatt were all "What?" and saying that I got them. Emmett on the other hand started crying because he really wanted a brownie!! haha Poor kiddo!!! He was not happy about getting fooled on April Fools.
Starting Saturday morning off with some fresh cut grapefruit! Then we were off to watch conference. We watched some conference that Saturday and got a few things done while we awaited for Dad to arrive home. We were all very excited for Brandon to get home from Idaho.
Sunday morning conference feast!!
This was a note that Emmett wrote me in school!! haha I guess I am mean some times.
We had to measure all the kids to get their weight and height for their passports. After our terrible spring break we really wanted to go on a fun trip with the kids. So we made plans to go to the Dominican Republic with the kids at the end of September. Which will double as a 40th Birthday celebration for Brandon. After planning the trip and getting everything booked we realized that the kids would need passports. So we started the process of getting all of our boys their passports so we can travel out of the U.S with them.
This is how Kayden spends his time when he is tired but wont nap. He lays on my lap and wants a blanket on him. I have tried to watch something that he would not want to watch in hopes that he would fall asleep. It does not work!
Our kids have missed quite a bit of school this year because of being sick. Emmett was home yet again because he was not feeling good. Although, I would much rather have him healthy and at school having fun with friends and learning but it sure is cute watching Emmett and Kayden having fun together!
Jason's Deli ice cream is always a win! Kayden was so happy to have his own huge ice cream cone! haha
We got this fooseball table from a friend in the ward. It took us a few months but we finally moved it inside.
Our kiddos passport photos!! It will be so crazy to see how much they all change in 5 years when we have to renew their passports.
We also decided to take the kids mini golfing. We figured with Kayden being older he would have fun with mini golfing. Well as soon as we got there Kayden decided he was tired. So he was whining after the second hole.
Then he saw this house and kept saying, "My sleep my barn!" He thought it was a barn because it was red and apparently wanted to go to sleep in it. I kept telling him that there was no bed in it and that it was just to look at. He didn't believe me. So he kept trying to open the door so he could lay in the bed. haha Silly boy!!
Seems like every spring we have either a bird or the same bird hit the window above our sliding door. He comes by constantly and pecks on the window. So the boys left out some bread for him in order to try and catch him.
A little bit of scheels time with Wyatt and Gigi. Kayden loves looking at all the cars. He could spend all day playing and looking at all these cars. haha The hardest part is telling him that he can't get one every time we go.
A little bowling.
And finally, the ferris Wheel. Gigi does not like Ferris Wheels at all. So she must really love Kayden to be willing to go on it with me and him. haha
After our Scheel's outing Kayden was so tired. I tried to get him to take a nap even if it was just on my legs. He just kept fighting it. He never went to sleep. He would just get comfy and then move and then start talking to me so that he could stay awake. I don't understand why they fight it so much! I would take a nap every day if I could! haha
While I was standing by the fire Kayden told me he was decorating my house! haha He was taking yarn and wrapping it around our island. He is seriously such a funny kid!
Yet another afternoon of trying to get this kid to either have some quiet time or nap time. He won't stay in his room and play quietly so this is how he spends his time when he is too tired and I want him to rest. Plus I want some time to do what I want to do.
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