Sunday, July 9, 2023

We have a TEENAGER!!

I can't believe we have a teenager. Ethan turned 13 and is officially a teenager! I don't think I am ok with him getting so old so fast! He is just getting so big and acting so grown up. Yes he has his moments of being immature... haha but, he is becoming such a mature good young man. He has also been starting to get acne on his face. Which is weird because it just makes me realize even more that he is turning into a little man instead of being my little boy. 
So for his 13th birthday we decided it to let him invite a couple of friends to go to Top Golf. A couple of his friends were not able to go but at least he had 3 that were able to. So we started our morning with the usual donut run. He thinks he is too old so he no longer colors a crown for himself. After donuts Brandon went and picked up Ethans buddies and they drove down to Thornton to have some fun. Me and the other boys went and picked up a bunch of balloons and made our way down to Thornton to meet them for IN N OUT for lunch. 

We made it down to Thornton and went to play at the park by the outlets while we waited for the crew to be done golfing. 

The slides were already getting hot because they were dumb when they built the park and made the slides straight metal. So they get hot really quick. The kids had a little bit of fun but were ready to leave within 15 minutes of being there. Thankfully, Brandon texted me shortly after we got there that they were finishing up. So we didn't have to hang at the park for long before we made our way to IN N OUT for some yummy food. 

These kids had a lot of fun! 

We showed up at IN N OUT to surprise Ethan with a bunch of balloons. 

Ethan had a worker come up to him and say Happy Birthday to him. There were a lot of people giving smiles. I hope Ethan felt special! We ate our lunch and enjoyed the time before heading home. 

I think Ethan had a fun time with his friends. Plus getting IN N OUT is always a win! haha 

We had to stop at our lot and see the progress!! It just looks so huge!!!!! haha 

Before we knew it it was time to open up presents. 
The kids always love getting their annual shirt and candy from Great Grandma Huntsman. It is pretty cute to see how excited they are about their shirts. 

Ethan got a few cool things and then Brandon made him hunt for his last present. 

The clue took us to Papa and Gigi's house. 

Golf Clubs!!! He was stoked about it! He has really been loving golf especially after he made the school team this past spring. So he was really excited to try out some bigger clubs.

He also got $100 from Papa and Gigi. He was really stoked about that too!! haha 

We got to play around at Papa and Gigi's for a little bit before having some dessert. 

Ethan wanted ice cream pie this year for his birthday. 
I sure hope he felt special on his birthday. 
Ethan is just really growing up these days. It is kind of crazy to think he used to be so little and have such a temper on him. haha He still looses his temper sometimes but he has way more control. Usually its because he is tired and I can point it out to him and then he realizes that he shouldn't act that way and will appologize. He has gotten a lot better with his reading and even his writing. He still has some work to do but he has gotten so much better at it. He is a very kind person and he is way more patient with his brothers these days. He has been reading the Book of Mormon every day and he notices that that has been helping how he treats his brothers. Ethan still loves to create things and loves legos. We are so proud of the amazing young man he is becoming and are excited to continue to watch him grow and mature. He is such a great kid!! We sure do love you Ethan!! Keep up the good work!! 

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