Thursday, November 30, 2023

November craziness

November was a busy month. Kayden had a Thanksgiving celebration for his preschool and Ethan was finishing up his basketball with Timnath Middle High. We raked a bunch of leaves in our own backyard as well as the church parking lot. Went to the Manaheim Steam Roller concert, got sick and had a lonely not so normal Thanksgiving. It was kind of crazy. Here are some pictures. 

Ok, I put this on here because I was at Costco with Emmett and I saw these massive candles. I decided to get one and Emmett begged me to get one for his teacher Mrs. Haselby. He said that she loved candles and she would love this. It was only 20 bucks so I decided we could give it to her for Christmas. He was very excited. 

Then I was at Trader Joes with Kayden and he saw the flowers and really wanted to get some for Gigi. She had broke her foot and he wanted to get some for her. It was very cute! 

Kayden had a Thanksgiving program with his preschool. He was super excited that both Gigi and I were going to be there. 

He was so excited to show us his hat that said "Baby Leopard Kayden" on it. 

It was a struggle to get him to even go sit with his class when they were singing their songs. In fact I told him that his class needed him and that he didn't even have to sing. He just had to go sit up there with his class. He managed to do it for a minute or so and then came and sat back down with Gigi. Silly kid!! He sure is a cutie though! 

We get so many leaves every year from our neighbors trees!! I swear we get more leaves then our neighbors do. 

Kayden just loves transformers so much. He think we got this from Ross for pretty cheap! 

We also had a service project at the church of raking all the leaves. There were so many leaves!!  

We have some good workers on our hands. Ethan and Wyatt worked really hard. Emmett did a great job and worked super hard as well. He was picking up tons of leaves in one scoop. 

Kayden helped for a little while and then started to play in the leaf piles with Mark Esplin. They are good little buddies. 

We were there for quite a while and got a lot done. The boys did a great job helping out. Service is always a good thing. I hope the boys remember how they feel when they do service like this. 

Since we are in the process of building our house we had to go check out a rock quarry to see what kind of rocks we wanted to put in our backyard. Of course the kids had to climb all over the rocks.

What a strong boy Kayden is!! He wanted to use his muscles and help bring in our trash cans. 

We finally picked out our stucco for our house. Not sure how it will end up looking. I sure hope it turns out amazing. We went with Swiss coffee and a Hale Navy blue. We shall see. 

Our little hobbit door under our stairs in the gym. haha Its so little. It sure will be nice to have some storage space under the stairs in our gym.

Ethan had a game for the Timnath Middle High Basketball team. He did a great job. Just needs to work on his shots now that he is growing so much. 

I sure do love my little lunch dates with Kayden. I will miss these when he is in school all day every day. Its fun just chatting with him and having that time whenever we want it. 

This was a picture from preschool. haha 

Then we took Papa and Gigi and the boys to a Manaheim Steamroller concert. 

It was a fun concert. I think the boys really enjoyed it. Plus they got to get some snacks which is always a plus. 

Also.... Big NEWS.... We got an IN N OUT in Loveland! WAHOO!!! So after Ethans basketball game we had to go grab IN N OUT. It was so tasty! We will be going there quite often I do beleive.

Look at our HOUSE!!! We are getting so excited!! It is so fun to watch it coming together! 

Sadly, Thanksgiving came and everyone got sick! Brandon, Wyatt, Ethan and Emmett were all super sick for Thanksgiving. Kayden and I were doing fine until I mixed up some Deviled eggs and somehow threw my neck out. So I was in serious pain the rest of the day. Couldn't move my neck and even eating and drinking hurt. Its as not good. 

My Dad brought over his annual Turkey Bread which made Kayden very happy. He sure does love that stuff. Plus he loves that it looks like a Turkey! haha 

Then I spent a good chunk of the day trying to heat/ice my neck and zap it with the tens unit while watching Kayden play just dance. He was really getting into it. I felt bad that I couldn't join him. Brandon ended up feeling good enough to make French toast for our family for our Thanksgiving dinner. It was pretty pathetic. We were planning on doing dinner with my parents that day. That didn't happen. 

Then Kayden got sick. Poor buddy!! 

Finally everyone was better. Well except for my neck. Wyatt really likes having candy canes in his hot cocoa. So I bought these candy cane spoons. He thought it was the best thing!! 

Emmett has also been really into drawing things. He drew this Pikachu and Kayden asked if Emmett could write Harvey on it. Since apparently Harvey really like this particular poke mon. So Emmett did and then I took a picture of it and sent it to Ashley so she could show Harvey! I do love that Kayden thinks of Harvey a lot and misses him. We don't get to see them very often and yet he really loves hanging out with him. We have even faced timed Harvey a couple of times just so they can talk to each other!! 
Its also fun seeing Emmett getting good at things. He really enjoys drawing and does a really good job with it. 

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