Monday, February 1, 2010

Just so good!

So I feel like it is a lot easier to write things on here then in my journal. Maybe just because I like to type and I can type and lot faster than I can write. Anyway so this is what I have to say. Ever since I got pregnant I thought "Now I really need to eat healthy." Some days I feel as though I do pretty good with not eating much junk and eating good things. However, some days junk food just sounds sooo good and I just want to eat junk food and I do not care about eating my vegetables and my fruits. Then after I eat junk food I feel bad because I feel like I should be eating more good stuff but I enjoy the junk soo much more haha! Then when I eat the junk I think man I really need to start working out again! I really do not have much to show in this pregnancy yet with regards to my belly. I show a little bit but I have a good 1/2 inch at least on top that is just fatty puj and I feel like I should start doing some workouts at home. Some sit-ups and push-ups and things like that. I start thinking that I am going to workout and then I never do. Instead I end up just sitting on the couch all day eating!! man oh man... what shall I ever do! haha I know that it is important to workout especially while I am pregnant but it is pretty hard to get motivated! It is so easy to just sit on the couch all day and eat junk food! I do feel like I am doing better than I used to but still I have days were I eat more junk than I feel I should. Then I pay for it later when I look at myself and think "ugh.. I feel fat!" which then Brandon gets mad at me because I am pregnant and it is good that I am getting bigger. So you would think that this would motivate me to start trying to get in better shape but I don't. I can't get myself to go to the workout class in the morning at the church building because I would rather sleep and then I can't get myself to do things at home. I feel like I am such a lazy butt haha! So hope you guys are not getting annoyed with hearing about these things but it is fun to write about!! :-) Well I better get dinner made before Brandon gets home! I will probably post a picture of myself soon so until then this is what you get! :-)


  1. Babe, I so feel you! Working out is hard, even if you aren't pregnant. I've been trying to loose weight since Wes and I got married, but I've only lost maybe 10 lbs, then gained it back, then lost it again. It's a vicious cycle. See if you can find something that you like to do and do it often. Like maybe do a photography journal and take a walk everyday to different places in the city. Then you can get your walking in and you have cool pictures! Love you!

  2. You are so cute!! I think I will start being a better influence... Just to help you feel better! =) I will only offer healthy things when you come over ;) ha ha... Thanks for coming over tonight it was fun watching it with you!!
