Monday, January 25, 2010

My dilemma!!

Well this pregnancy has been pretty easy for me! I don't work and I don't go to school which most of you know! So I sleep in as long... as I want, take naps whenever I want, and just can be all around lazy!! Although that sounds like a good thing I feel like anytime I do anything that causes my muscles to work at all I am sore the next day! I think that is a bad sign haha! So there is one thing that I need to improve in this pregnancy! Also I had one really weird thing happen to me the other day. Brandon and I were coming home from the grocery store and we were going to make dinner when we got home.. thank goodness because I was really.. hungry! Anyways, so as we rounded the corner my eyes got really tired (I am talking stinging and everything) but, that was not the weird part. The weird part was that right after my eyes felt tired I got SUPER dizzy!! It was as if I was on a REALLY rocky boat! I could not even get out of the car and stand on my own with out Brandon helping me stay on my feet! I literally got out of the car and started falling over..! He had to put his arm around me and take me in the house! It was THE weirdest feeling ever. So I had to lay on the couch and Brandon got dinner ready and brought over some water for me because I thought maybe I just needed more water in my system. Then I ate some carrots and ranch since dinner was taking a little bit. I started feeling a bit better after a little bit of laying down and closing my eyes! So I don't know if I just really needed food in my system or what but that was definitely not very fun! Thankfully it only lasted like a half hour and it has not happened in the last 2 days! So I have had 2 weird things happen in this pregnancy haha! Also something weird is that my stomach really likes to twitch.. sometimes my muscles twitch where my uterus would be. I know that it is not the baby because when it did that the baby was too small to feel but it was weird. One morning I woke up and my muscles were all spazing out haha it was pretty funny! So I just hope that I can determine the difference between my muscle spazims and the baby actually moving when that point comes haha! So anyways here is the dilemma that I have ran into. It deals with eating and food!! I am not the type of person who really can ever decide things, ESPECIALLY when it comes to eating! It has become even harder now that I have to eat ALL THE TIME!! haha I never know what I want to eat and so I just think I will wait (if it is close enough) till lunch or dinner time. That never goes over very well. I end up thinking I am going to wait and then I start feeling weaker and I know that the idea of waiting is not an option so I have to figure out what to eat right then. Which is a very hard thing for me to do. Normally if we have chips around that is what I resort to (a quick fix). However, if we have fruit around then I try to go for that, but, fruit never fills me up at all. So I eat the fruit and then go for something else. The hard part that I find is that I seem to be hungry at the worst possible times (at least for me). For example, tonight I had a yummy dinner and then an hour later I ate some popcorn with my friend as we watched "The Bachelor", then I had a brownie after that and drank a good amount of water. As soon as I got home I felt famished!! I thought great it is 10:00 at night and I have no.. idea what to eat. I did not want to eat a lot more but when I feel soo hungry it is hard not to. So I ate some strawberries which did nothing at all for me and then ate a couple of chicken wings that I cooked for Brandon and I. After that I was still hungry.. so I had some peanut butter on a piece of bread! I was pretty good after that but honestly after like 20 minutes I could eat more!! I want to be good and not gain too much weight during this pregnancy but I do not want to starve my little one. It is so hard for me. Literally! I think the hardest part is that when I am super super hungry I never know what I want to eat. To me this is a dilemma! I feel like I should have an easy time just snacking and eating stuff but I am soo indecisive that I can never make up my mind until I really NEED food in my system! Then when I hit that point I feel bad that I waited until then to eat! So this is my main dilemma right now! Eating!!! Pretty funny that I would have a problem figuring out what I want to eat! I thought it would be easier! I would just feel a little hungry and just go grab what I want! No such luck haha! I just hope that I can get better at just snacking all the time so that I don't starve this little baby! Especially since I am starting into my second trimester and I know that babies need a more constant nourishment than before! So wish me luck!! :-)


  1. Welcome to pregnancy. Dizzyness, hunger, tired, muscle aches and weakness, and much much more :)just keep stuff on hand and when you are hungry just eat it :)if something tastes good to you keep it in stock. i love strawberries so i bought four pound boxes at least every other day :) i had a hard time decideing too we would go out and i would realize what i wanted when it was too late! :) i tryed and thought of what sounded good even before i was hungry so when i was hungry i already knew what sounded good :) good luck! :)

  2. I agree with Coya! I've actually been getting a lot more dizzy and light headed lately. It's all the extra blood your body has pumping through it! As far as eating goes, I was worried too about the weight gain. But it's going to happen no matter what! And it's a good thing. Your little one needs to eat, so whenever you're craving something you just go get it. Now if you're craving fries all the time that might not be the best ha ha. A lot of the weight gain is the extra blood in your body, water, bigger uterus...all that good stuff. So don't worry about the weight gain! It's supposed to happen!

  3. When I was pregnant with Lucy I would wake up in the middle of the night starving! it always made me so mad! But there was always one thing that took the edge off my hunger, and even helped with my nauciousness, MILK. and its way good for the baby too. I would drink a glass of milk and it usually was enough to sustain me till the next meal. Good Luck!

  4. You are so funny!!! I love your blog, I loved shopping with you today, and I love reading about your pregnancy things (and hearing about them too)!
