Monday, January 11, 2010


So today was the first time in this pregnancy that I threw up!! Yes thats right! It was the weirdest thing ever! I started out the morning perfectly fine. Nothing was wrong at all I had a good sized bowl of cereal and then about and hour later took my vitamins. Everything was going great, I just relaxing and checking facebook and of coarse my blog. By the time it was 11:30 I decided that it was about lunch time but I did not want lunch yet I really wanted fruit snacks! So I grabbed some fruit snacks and sat on the couch watching some T.V. Then just as I had swallowed my last fruit snack I had an immediate "I am going to throw up" feeling. I ran into the bathroom and up-chucked pretty much everything I ate and drank that morning!! And just as fast as that feeling came it went! I had just thrown up and then was perfectly fine. A little weak so I drank a lot of water and waited a bit before I ate anything, just in case my stomach was still not happy with me! However, I was completely fine and ate a lot for lunch and that was it. It was THE weirdest thing ever!! So now my lovely story about how I never got sick during pregnancy has to end. At least it was only today and at least I did not feel sick at all before or after!! What a weird thing! haha anyways so that is what happened today just thought I would let you all know! haha :-)

1 comment:

  1. haha i still count you as very lucky i would be nauseous for hours praying to just throw up and sometimes i would just throw up for hours for no reason. but sometimes i was like you and felt totally fine then i'd eat something that didn't agree with me and well you know the rest :) (by the way this is coya not mike :) )
