Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Break and the Begining of the New Year!!

Well to start out our Christmas break we drove for 14 and a half hours to get to good ol' Idaho Falls. We left at about 9 in the morning and got into Idaho at around 11:30. VERY.... long day. Thankfully my prayers were answered and we did not have to stop every 2 hours for me to go to the bathroom. I even drank a good amount of stuff but I only went to the restroom when we stopped for gas. Well I guess that is not entirely true. We would stop before we needed to fill up so that I could take a pit stop and so we would top off the gas and grab something to eat if it was close to lunch or dinner time. So at least the trip was not really prolonged because of my shrinking blatter. We also listened to the "Hunger Games" which is an awesome book. That made our trip go by a lot faster. So anyways, we finally got to our destination. Since it was so late there was time for a little chat and then off to bed. We had fun in Idaho with Brandon's family playing the wii and playstation and card games and just hanging out. Oh, and of coarse playing with the Coya's little 5 month old girl. We also went as a family to dinner and a movie one of the nights. We saw "Blind Side" it was a very good movie. Totally a feel good movie and we really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun. Christmas was different than what I am used to but then again it was my first Christmas away from home. So it was bound to be different. None the less it was good. Then after spending time in Idaho with Brandon's family it was time to head down to California to see my family for a couple of days. Now normally the trip from Idaho to California takes us about 11 and a half hours to 12 hours. However, we never make the trip in the snow. Of coarse the snow had to wait until we were leaving to make its way into Idaho. So we hit snowy slick roads pretty much all the way through Utah which added on a couple of hours. Then we hit traffic going from Vegas to California. So our usual 12 hour trip became a 15 hour trip. It was a very.... long day. Both Brandon and I were soo.. sick of being in the car that the thought of having to drive another 4 and a half back home in a couple of days was not very thrilling to think about. Being in California with my family was nice though. We slept in and relaxed and had Christmas with them as well. One night we had a fire outside and talked about memories and things like that. It was a lot of fun just talking with the fam. My little sister Ashley was leaving for Utah that weekend so my mom and dad made sure to get her so she could spend time with all of us before she headed away from home for the first time. On New Years eve we did not do what we normally do each year but it was still fun. We played games and watched a movie and then at midnight we all ran outside banging our pots and pans and screaming HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It was Brandon's first time doing this and he laughed the entire time we were running around outside. It was really funny. Then on Saturday we all went and saw the movie "Invictus" It was a really good feel good movie too. After we headed to costco since my mom had to get somethings there and we go pizza for lunch and I was STARVING.... it is not good when I get to that point because I get very grumpy and very week. So that was not fun but once I had food in me I felt much better. That was pretty much the end of our time with my family. It is always sad to leave but its also good to get home. Now that Brandon has started school again and I am back to the normal being alone and lazy days it is hard for me to get into the mood to clean. I have sooo much cleaning to do and yet I really do not want to do it. I feel so lazy, all I want to do is sit around and eat and bundle up in a blanket and watch T.V. or read a book. Hopefully this laziness will end with my second trimester. As for right now I probably just better suck it up and start cleaning and then I can nap and be lazy latter. Well here is to trying hahaha! Well that is about it for now. I will put some pictures up of mine and Brandon's Christmas with each other soon. :-)


  1. 2nd Trimester?? Are you pregnant!?? Yay if you are!!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed your time with your families during the holidays! The travel part doesn't sound like too much fun. I was thinking about you guys the day you were leaving and it was snowing like crazy. I know how you feel about not wanting to do anythign during your first trimester! The second one (at least week 15 and on for me) was amazing! I had so much energy, it was crazy. It will get better soon!
