Monday, March 8, 2010

Its a BOY!!!! :-)

Here is our little boy!! We went in on March 1st for my ultrasound! Now here is how things went. The day before I had heard that one of my friends had to drink a liter of water an hour before her ultrasound. I thought that that was a lot of water to hold for an hour especially when my little baby likes to kick my bladder pretty much all the time haha. Although I had not been told anything about how much water to drink before the ultrasound or anything for that matter. I decided that I would drink a liter before the ultrasound just to make sure that everything would work out and we would be able to find out what we were having. So I drank a full liter within like about 20 minutes. I was soo full of water it hurt my stomach haha. I thought that hopefully having a half hour with all that water sitting in my system would work its way into my bladder in time for the ultrasound. And boy did it EVER!! We got to the doctors and I started really having to go to the bathroom. Walking up the stairs was not fun at all haha. So we got to the doctors and we were waiting to check in. There was one girl in front of us and she was taking forever to sign papers and what not so we just waited. We were already just barely on time so I thought, "this lady better hurry so that we can get in because we are late now". So as we were waiting there is a guy that comes out and calls to take back another girl and yes, it was the ultrasound tech. So now he was taking someone else in and not us. So we finally checked in and then sat there for a half hour! I was supposed to be in at 1:30 but that was not going to happen. So we just sat there with my bladder filling up so full that I was hurting. Literally hurting. I had to control my breathing and the way my stomach was contracting because my bladder was so full. Oh and I decided to eat a handful of skittles before we went in to so that the baby would be moving around. He seems to like skittles haha!! So we are sitting there and of coarse our baby starts kicking my bladder. I told Brandon, " I do not think I can hold this much longer. I think my bladder is going to explode!" Then Brandon tells me that maybe I should go to the bathroom just a little bit to relieve some. However, I think once I start there is no stopping me hahah! So I just sit in pain and we joke about how I might pee on the ultrasound tech when he pushes on my stomach haha! Then a few minutes after 2 we get called back! Note I can barely breath because of how full my bladder is. Then we get in the room and the guy asked if we were wanting to know what we were having. We were like, "YES!!" haha So he puts the goop on my stomach which they had warmed up which was nice, kind of weird, but nice haha. Then we see our baby! It was so fun seeing our little baby. He went through all parts of the babies body making sure that everything looked good and that everything was working correctly and walked us through the process. Our baby was moving around a lot and it was SO fun to actually SEE him moving around. Then the tech went down to the legs. At that point I got a little nervous thinking how Brandon would react or what he would think if our baby was a girl. Then I see it, and Brandon saw it too before the tech even mentioned that our baby was in fact..

A BOY!! We were both SO excited!! We had both thought that we were having a boy. Brandon more than me, but I thought that I was just being biased so I did not think that my thoughts really counted. But, we were right! :-) It was such a fun experience. It was cool to see his little heart pumping and his little arms and legs moving as well.

In one of the parts we see what looks like our little guy waving to us! :-)

That is his hand near his face and it was moving back and forth in a little waving motion. It was funny to see that because his face was towards us as well. So that was cool! We also watched as his little body was moving around a little bit. It was just so fun to see him moving and not just feel it! When we were done the tech asked us if my doctor had given me a due date. We told him it was July 28th. So he told us that according to the ultrasound I was 19 weeks and 4 days along. Which meant that my due date would be July 22nd. Also that our baby weighed 11 ounces. I thought this was funny because I had just talked to my mom the night before and was saying how cool that would be if they say that I am like a week farther along. I was thinking how cool that would be if they moved it up to like the 22nd or something. So when we heard this I just thought, "Hey I was right." haha I had also been thinking that our baby seemed to be stronger than he was supposed to be for how far along I was. Since I had felt him move so early on the inside as well as on the outside. Then the tech went on and said that our doctor might not change it to the 22nd because the due date is normally give or take 14 days. So I guess we will see if my doctor does move it up to the 22nd when I go in in a week. Anyways after we left the doctors we headed off to California to visit my family and tell them in person that we were having a BOY! :-)

Oh and here is me at about 19.5 weeks, going with my original due date of July 28th.


  1. So fun!! I'm glad you guys are having a boy!!! Our kids can be friends! It will be fun!

  2. oh kristen you look for beautiful!! haha your little boy is definetly not shy haha :) isn't it fun to see your baby it makes it a little more real :) i can't wait to come see you guys it is a for sure we just don't know when yet possibly april or may depends if we stay in If or move to las vegas. oh i can't wait to see you i miss you guys so much!

  3. I'm just so excited for you guys! That was such a great ultrasound. I can't believe you drank that much water before the appointment! Pretty sure you don't have to do that next time ha ha. A little orange juice or something will probably be good enough to get the baby moving! Congrats again!
