Tuesday, February 26, 2013

4 months old

So January 26th Wyatt turned 4 months old. I can't believe he is getting so big so fast!! He is such a cute little boy and he is so smiley! He coos a lot and is really loud when he is cooing! haha He has not been rolling over really yet which is surprising but he just lays there when we put him on his tummy. He raises up and looks around but just wont roll over! haha He has done it before but he just does not do it often. He rolled from his tummy to his back really early on but then just stopped and has only done it twice since. He LOVES his jumper!! He likes it a lot more than his play saucer and a lot more than just hanging out on the floor. So that is probably one reason he does not roll over all that much yet because we don't give him enough tummy and back time. So we are working on that! haha He has such a cute laugh and I love it when I get him to laugh. He does not laugh as easy as I remember Ethan laughing at this stage but he sure is a smilie boy. We are starting to really get to that laughing stage and I love it. He has really been chunking up since we switched him to formula and has been sleeping at night really well. We started switching him to formula while we were on vacation. Wyatt had been going through these rough times where we thought he was gassy because he was screaming and inconsolable. So we bought gas medicine and we thought it was helping. However, then one of the feedings he was crying after I fed him and so I pumped and gave him the ounce that I pumped and drank it and then was screaming for more so I warmed up 3 ounces that I had in the freezer and he downed that as well. So I started thinking maybe he was not getting enough. So while we were in Idaho I had times where he would just stop nursing on me and be crying so I would give him a bottle I had pumped and he would drink it down. So we started supplementing him with formula when we thought he needed it. Then one night we just gave him a bottle and he drank 8 ounces. It was nuts!! Then that night he slept through the night. So from that night on we were feeding him a bottle before bed time and he loved it. So after that he slowly started latching worse and not wanting to be patient enough to nurse. So I just started pumping and giving him bottles of my pumped milk and then formula other times. I am sad that I am not nursing anymore because I actually enjoyed it this time around. However, Wyatt is happier being on a bottle and Brandon and I will be able to go to Colorado on our own now instead of needing to bring him with us. Which will make our trip a lot easier with house hunting and we can have our little anniversary get away. Here are a few pictures that I took of Wyatt for his 4 months. 

Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz
Height: 25 inches 

I sure do love my little baby boy!! He is so sweet and I just want to cuddle him and kiss him all the time. He is such a good boy he goes to bed so easily. We wrap him up and give him his binkie and put him down in bed and he just falls asleep. We have really not had to let him cry himself to sleep because he goes to sleep so easy that anytime he does cry we just give him his binkie again and he goes back to sleep. We have started to feed Wyatt some rice cereal and he LOVES it. He is so funny he just attacks it and I love feeding him his rice cereal. The nights that we feed him rice cereal he sleeps through the night. Other nights if we have not fed him his cereal then he wakes up once to drink a bottle. But, man he drinks so much more than Ethan ever did. Wyatt drink 27 or more ounces each day. When he only gets 27 ounces then he wakes up at like 2 or 3 in the morning if he gets 32 then he sleeps till about 5 and then wants a bottle and goes back to sleep. So it is really only when he gets rice cereal and about 32 ounces that he sleeps the entire night. I love this little baby boy so much and I am glad that Ethan has been doing so well with him lately. I have the best little boys ever. Seriously the cutest and best little family!! I am so blessed!! 

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