Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trip to Idaho

After spending Christmas and New Years with my family we headed up to Idaho. Thank goodness for portable DVD players and having a bigger car. We would not have been able to bring all that we brought to California and Idaho in our little Honda. So anyways the drive was long and we did our usual of getting up at 3 in the morning make the long trek. The boys did really well for such a long trip. We are so lucky to have kids that handle long car rides pretty well. I had to climb in between the car seats at times to calm Wyatt down and to try and nurse him in the back seat which was very interesting. Their car seats do not leave much room in the middle seat. Wyatt would be screaming and as soon as I would be back there talking to him and holding his hand or something he would calm down and just stare at me for a long time! It was pretty cute and so funny! Anyways well we were the first ones to get to Idaho out of Brandon's family so we just hung out. Poor Ethan was just so beat from the long drive and tired because he really does not sleep well in the car anymore. So by the time we got into Idaho he just wanted to sleep. Then since we had not been to the Murri's house in a long time Ethan was not sure really where he was sleeping so he kept saying that he wanted "GG house". After fighting it for a bit he fell asleep and was happier in the morning. We had a lot of fun with sledding and playing games while we were there in Idaho. It was fun for Ethan to have some friends to play with constantly. He and Mady only got into fights every so often. So when we heard yelling we would go break it up and then they would say that they were friends again. It was pretty hilarious! So here are some pictures from the fun we had in Idaho! 

Welcome to Idaho!!!

Bored in the car and sun in the eyes! haha

Our cute little munchkins bundled up to go to the store while in Idaho!

My cute little Wyatt! I just can't get enough of this sweet little boy!

Ethan and Mady had so much fun together!

They were not feeling good this night. So they both wanted their blankets and laid down on the couches. However, this only lasted a few minutes and then they were fine! Silly kids! haha

This buzz lightyear outfit was off of his build a bear that he got from Devon. He put it on during his nap time and said he was Buzz Lightyear! haha Still can't believe that it fit him the way it did!

Here are pictures from our sledding experience! Ethan had a BLAST! Mady did not like it as much because Brandon let them go down by themselves the first slope and they crashed and got snow all over themselves! haha Enjoy

Enjoying some Hot Cocoa after sledding. 

Love this little face!!

Such cute cousins!! They sure have grown up! 
We are just glad that they played so well together!!


This picture was taken on our way home from Idaho.

We sure had fun in Idaho but we were ready to get home. Ethan was so ready to go home by the last night. I think he was tired of having to share toys and deal with Mady when she was being in one of those moods. So the last night we were there he came down stairs at bed time and said that he wanted his binkie in the car. haha So he was ready to get back home and I think we all were ready to have things get back to normal and be home. So we made the long trip home and were so happy to be done driving by the time we got here. 

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