Friday, January 3, 2014

November 21st- Thanksgiving Vacation in Idaho

So here are just some pictures of life through Thanksgiving!

Sitting down watching Rudolph for the first time this year! :-) 

Then I decided to do a little thanksgiving activity this year. So Ethan and I made a pom pom turkey and I let the boy color a turkey! 

Ethan likes to do crafts for about 2 minutes. Then he wants me to do it! haha I guess that is what happens with boys! Oh well it turned out cute and he liked doing it for the most part!

It was fun watching Wyatt try coloring his turkey! He did pretty good too for being just a little over 1. Ethan's turned out good too. At least he had fun coloring with lots of colors!

Who knew that boxes could be so much fun. This was the perfect box to push the boys around in. It slid across the carpet so nicely. It was also a major quad and butt work out, so I had Ethan push Wyatt around after I got tired! haha 

For Thanksgiving we headed to Idaho. We were going to leave early in the morning on Tuesday but on Monday night after Brandon got home from work we packed up and told Ethan that we were going to Grandma and Grandpas house and he wanted to leave then. Brandon was all for it. I was a little hesitant because we wouldnt get to his parents house until at least 3 in the morning. But, none the less we ended up packing up quickly and leaving. We grabbed chick fil a on the way and ate in the car. We were officially on the road to Idaho around 7. We got Bandon's parents house around 3 in the morning and put Ethan and Wyatt in bed and then climbed in bed as well. However, Ethan then started crying so Brandon went and got him settled back down and then an hour later Ethan came into our room because he wanted to play in the basement. When he came in the room Wyatt woke up. Luckily Brandon's mom came in just then and said that she would take the boy so we could sleep (THANK YOU MOM). So we went back to sleep and when we woke up we found out that the boys never went back to bed. She had tried to get them back to sleep but Ethan wouldnt relax. He wanted to go play in the basement to badly. So Lee took them downstairs and they were still up when we got downstairs for breakfast. Wyatt then went down for a nap shortly after that and Ethan was still staying strong and wanting to play. So around 3 in the afternoon he finally did this....

Yup, he fell asleep on the couch kneeling. haha The poor kid was so exhausted and yet to stubborn to just go upstairs and take a nap. Brandon tried to move him upstairs to the bed so he could sleep. It lasted for maybe 20 minutes before we heard Ethan crying and he came downstairs. Anyways, here are the rest of the pictures from our trip to Idaho! 

Wyatt started to pick his olives up by sticking his finger in the middle of the slices and stacking them on his finger. It was so funny to watch! 

Sadly I dont have any more pictures from this trip! I was a slacker! These next ones were from our drive home. 

Grandma was so nice and made little goodie bags for the boys to open every few hours to try and help out with the long drive. It really did help out. Especially towards the end when they were getting restless. 

We were able to stop to eat at IN N OUT in ogden! MMM how we love our beloved IN N OUT! 

Then we ran into Toys R Us to get some more wiggles out and go to the bathroom. The boys had fun playing with the toys. 

This was the last bag that we opened right before getting home. Grandma had gotten a cute little lightning McQueen camera and both of the boys LOVED it!! haha 
YAY Happy Thanksgiving!! 

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