Saturday, January 17, 2015

November 21st-December 22nd

So towards the end of November I had to take Ethan in to get his flu shot. We had all gone into Walgreens a while back and Brandon and I had gotten our flu shots and were hoping to get Ethan's done then so we could all be brave together. However, Walgreens didn't do flu shots for little ones under the age of 7. So I had to get a nurse visit scheduled with Ethan's doctors office to get his done. So after dragging my feet a little bit I finally got it done. I told Ethan that after we got his shot that if he was brave we would go and get smoothies after. He was really excited to go get smoothies and he did such a good job with getting his shot. At first he was really nervous but the nurse did a good job at getting his mind off of it and before he knew it it was over. He didn't even cry. He flinched and made a funny face but that was it. So we went and got smoothies after.  

It sure is fun to do things like this with my boys. Not getting shots haha but going out for yummy treats!
Then it was off to the car wash!

Ethan LOVES the car wash!! 

Wyatt.... not so much!! haha

Decorating the felt christmas tree! Sadly this only lasts for about 10 minutes and then they are off to the next thing. Or using the star as a ninja weapon or anything else they can use not in the way it was intended! haha 

One night while Brandon was working I did not want to make dinner so the boys and I went out to noodles in company for dinner. It was yummy and the boys actually did pretty good! 
Our delicious meals that I did not have to cook or clean up! :-) 

Wyatt being happy to eat some yummy dinner and drink some of my soda! haha

Then after Thanksgiving Jason and Devin got to hangout with us for a few days!! It was fun to have them over for a little bit. We played games and hung out and ate yummy food! 

Of coarse we had to take them to "Snooze" for some breakfast one morning! 

We are such weirdos! :-)

These are all of our thankful Turkeys for Thanksgiving!! So fun to have it all documented!! The boys were so funny with what they said they were thankful for. A lot of super heros and toys and beds and whatever one said the other had to be thankful for too! haha So funny! 

Ethan got to take home his preschool pet Mr. E the Tiger one night! 

Ethan loved having Mr. E hanging out with him.  

This is the stack of potatoes that I had to cook for the ward Christmas party. 20 lbs of potatoes and a ham to cook. It was a wild day after going and helping set up for the party and running to chick fil a with the boys and then going home to put them down for naps and start cooking. It was a busy day!! haha Plus Brandon had to work that day and I had to get this all done by myself and go to the party with the boys by myself. It was kind of stressful! haha 

But it turned out pretty and there was a good turn out. Plus we had plenty of good.

The primary got to sing and Ethan had fun standing by his best buddy Nixon.

Even Wyatt joined in on the fun! haha

We also got little Christmas trees from Hobby Lobby and put lights on them to put in the boys rooms. I love keeping certain traditions alive that I grew up with. It is fun to take old traditions and add them to our own. :-)

Our boys LOVE having little Christmas trees to put in their rooms for the Christmas season!

This is just a picture of a house that is in our neighborhood. I thought they did a pretty good job at decorating for Christmas. 

Spending time with Wyatt while Ethan is at preschool. Wyatt sure does love his time he gets to just spend with mommy while Ethan is at school! 

This little owie on Wyatts nose was from falling off a table at the church in the gym while I was working out. Ethan thought it would be fun to walk on the tables that were out for another ward party and kick a ball around. So Wyatt had to follow him and fell face first onto the floor. Nothing was broken and his nose didn't even bleed really but he hurt his lip and bruised his little thumb! He just looked so beat up and it makes me so sad to look at this little picture!! Poor little boy! 

Watching a Christmas movie together with the Christmas lights on!! :-) 

It started snowing outside and the boys were super stoked!! They wanted to just keep watching it out of the window during lunch! haha
Sure love my family! :-) 

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