Thursday, May 4, 2017

Easter Sunday!

Easter morning the boys woke up to an egg trail outside their doors that led them to our room. Once they came in our room and woke us up we got up and got the video camera out and then the hunt for the boys Easter basket ensued. 

The Easter Bunny left the boys messages in each of their baskets inside an egg that led them to an even better surprise! 
Squirt Guns!!! WHAT?? These boys were stoked! 

Then the candy eating began. haha 

Emmett had a basket too and he had a hidden surprise as well. His was this massive Mickey Mouse!! Emmett was so excited about his Mickey! He wanted to take it to church so badly and was pretty upset when we didn't let him. 

After church we had some lunch and then let the boys dye some eggs since we had not gotten around to it during that week. 

Emmett thought it was more fun just to dunk his hands in the colored water and then lick his hands. So gross!! We had actually done the vinegar in our egg dyeing stuff and I can't believe Emmett kept trying to drink it! So nasty!! 

These were the best pictures I could get of these 3 crazy boys! haha It was a little stressful with Emmett trying to take every ones eggs and drink the egg dye but other than that it was fun! haha Thank goodness we had nice weather and could dye the eggs out in the backyard!

After some egg dyeing fun we had our Resurection Egg hunt and talked about the events leading up to Christ's death and resurrection! Then it was time to chat with the Murri's and then we had an Easter egg hunt with friends from church at the park. 

It was a sugar overloaded day but, a good day at that. The kids had fun with all the Easter festivities and I feel like we made sure that they remembered why we really celebrate Easter. It is a great time to remember Christ's atonement and resurrection! So it was a good day! :-) 

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