Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The weekend before Easter

The weekend before Easter our neighborhood put on its annual Easter egg hunt at the park. This year they had 15,000 eggs for the kids and did 3 different egg hunts for different age groups. There were also 4 food trucks and some bounce houses as well as popcorn, cotton candy and snow cones. It was a big deal this year and the kids had a lot of fun! They also got way too much candy! haha 

Emmett was super excited about all the eggs on the ground!! I do believe this was his first egg hunt where he understood more of what was going on and why he wanted to get the eggs. haha The first egg he grabbed he opened up and was ready to just dig into the one piece of candy! haha 

Ethan was ready to book it as fast as he could to get his eggs when it was his turn. Both Ethan and Wyatt filled their baskets up completely!! 

They were only a little excited! haha 

Emmett thought he wanted to go in the bounce house but was very mistaken and cried almost instantly!! 

Later that day I took Ethan for some one on one time! Wyatt was at a birthday party so it was the perfect opportunity! It was super windy but we decided to ride our bikes to the bigger park near us. Then after playing there for a little bit we decided it was too windy and we started the windy trek back home. It was funny taking Ethan to the park. He kept showing me things that he could do and then telling me that I couldn't do it. So naturally I had to show him that I could do it. I also took the opportunity to tell him, "see!! You can do anything you set your mind to." I wanted to show him that when I made up my mind that I could do something than even though it may be hard I could do it as long as it is safe and smart and I don't give up! 

After the park we headed home and put together the batman kite that I have bought from costco close to 2 years ago. Then we headed to the little park to fly it for a little bit! 

Ethan LOVED flying the kite! Plus the kite was going crazy because it was super windy! So it was going all over the place and was making us laugh! At one point I went to go pick it up off the ground for Ethan to get it in the air again and as I got to it the kite shot back into the air and scared me! haha 

I normally don't like going out in the wind. However, it was a really warm day with a warm wind, so we decided to take advantage of it. 

After getting Wyatt from the party he was at we headed to get some slurpees! Since that is what we do and then headed back to the park for some more kite fun with the whole family! 

Wyatt thought it was pretty cool too. He seemed to be the best at flying the kite too. It would start to come down and Wyatt would tug on it and it would shoot straight back up into the sky! 

Emmett was scared of the kite and made sure to stay close to Daddy on the bench! haha 

Then he got brave enough to fly it with Daddy's help! 

Then of course, after flying the kite we had to play at the park for just a little bit. Then it was time to head home and call it a day! It was a good Saturday! I have decided that I need to take the boys out individually more often. It was so good for me to get out with Ethan and to just have some fun! It is always nice to be able to take a break from my "strict mommy" role and be able to be "fun mom" every once in a while! 

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