Wednesday, June 5, 2019


With how awful I was always feeling this pregnancy I didn't do much to get prepared for Easter. I didn't plan any amazing Easter lessons or anything. I really just felt like I as surviving each day. So the day before Easter we finally dyed some eggs. They boys were pretty excited to do it but Emmett was the most excited. Ethan and Wyatt kept running off to the couch to watch the show we had on and Emmett excitedly stayed at the table waiting and watching his eggs in the coloring till they were ready to be taken out.  

These Boys are seriously the cutest!!! Man we make some cute kids!!!

The next morning the boys ran into our room telling us that the Easter Bunny came. Wyatt said that the Easter bunny pooped on our counter. haha 

Here was the bunny poop that was all over our house. haha Silly kids! It is all the movie "Hop"'s fault for having the Easter bunny poop jelly beans. 

After coming downstairs and seeing that the Easter Bunny had come we made our way to the basement to see where their baskets had been hidden. The boys hit the jackpot this year from the Easter Bunny!! 

Right before heading to church Brandon and I went out in the backyard and hid some easter eggs for the boys to find. 

They were each allowed to find 12 eggs. They had fun doing the little egg hunt. I was glad that I mentioned doing the egg hunt before church because it was raining as we left church. Then it was time to head to church and then try to remind the boys that we really celebrate easter to remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a good Easter Sunday!! 

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