Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ethan hits double digits!

Ethan officially hit double digits this year! I still can't believe he is 10 years old!! Where has the time gone? Ethan has matured so much this past year. He still has a temper but he has been able to control it so much better these days. He is such a good big brother and has been getting better with his reading. It is fun to watch him mature so much in the last little bit. When he does something he shouldn't have instead of throwing a fit or blaming it on someone or something else he will just slump down and say, "I know. I shouldn't have done that." It is fun watching him grow up and yet sad because of how fast time is flying. We sure do love this kid!! 

Anyways, Ethans birthday was a success. At least, I think it was. We started out with the usual crown making and donut run! 

He just looks so grown up in this picture!! Where did my baby go?

Donut run during a pandemic! Wearing our masks and taking the donuts home instead of eating them there. 

Even Kayden enjoyed Ethan's birthday donuts this year! haha

Ethan loves his baby brother Kayden! 

Then Brandon was able to sneak away for lunch and brought home some subway for his birthday lunch. Subway is Ethan's favorite these days. So he was pretty excited that Dad brought him a sandwich home for lunch.

Then Ethan got to open up his present from Papa and Gigi. He was stoked about this lego set and started making it right away.

We also got these bubble ball things and they filled them with water and played with them for a while. 

Then once Brandon got off work we were able to go to the Harmony pool. We were pretty excited to be able to get a reservation on Ethan's birthday. Ethan had wanted to go to the pool on his birthday so this worked out perfectly! 

Kayden was not super into it because he doesn't like being stuck in his floaty. The rest of the kids had a blast. We swam for a bit and then picked up Freddy's for dinner. 
After dinner it was time for presents and cake. 

He got some cool things for his birthday and then we all enjoyed some lemon cake and ice cream for dessert. Then they played for a few minutes before it was bed time. It was a good day and I hope that Ethan felt how much we love him. He is really growing up so much and it is fun to watch. We love him so much and we are so grateful to have him in our family! 

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