Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Kayden turns 4

I can't believe Kayden is 4 already! Kayden was super excited for his Birthday. He talked about it for weeks. Every night he would ask how many more days until his Birthday. We were kind of wishing we had not said anything. haha It was really cute how excited he was though. What is also funny is that he remembered getting a bunch of trucks from his last birthday. So he kept telling me that he was going to get a lot of trucks for his birthday. He was sure of it. Thankfully, he loved all of his presents even if they were not all trucks. haha 

He loves running through the streamers that his Dad puts up. 

He colored his Birthday crown a little bit and then wanted help. So I helped him color it and then we headed out for our Birthday Donut run. 

He was a happy boy! I always play Birthday songs in the car on our way to getting donuts and Kayden loves it and wants me to play them over and over again if we are in the car. 

He couldn't wait to open up his presents. So I told him he could open the present from Great Grandma Huntsman. He was so excited!! 

When he saw the shirt he was thrilled. It was so cute to see how excited he was about his new shirt and of course the candies! haha 

We also got the new bigger hats in from Hawaii. So he was able to try that on and it fit pretty nicely. Way better than the other tiny ones. So that was fun too. 

Then to celebrate his big day we went to Scheels so we could ride on the ferris wheel. 

He loves the Ferris wheel. Then since it was his Birthday the person that was running it that day said over the loud speaker that it was Kayden's birthday. He also let us go around it 3 extra times. Kayden loved it!! 

Then we went and got his free ice cream from the cafe. 

Of course he didn't want his free one though. He saw the Dip N Dots and wanted that instead. 

So I bought him some. 
He only turns 4 once after all. He was so happy about his cotton candy Dip n Dots. Plus I got to eat a little bit because he didn't want to finish it all. So win win!! haha 

I was hoping to let him play the car game that they have at scheels. Sadly, they were moving the games around and didn't have it on the floor at that time. They had moved it while they rearranged things in the store. So that was a bummer. 
But..... Kayden also got some money from Grandma and Grandpa Murri that morning. So we brought his money with him and he picked out 2 cars to buy with his money. It was fun telling him how much he had to spend and having him ask me if he had enough to buy certain cars. He settled on 2 cars instead of 1 bigger car. 
It was also so cute watching him get his money out of his pocket and give it to the lady at the register. Such a big boy thing to do for our little 4 year old. He needs to stop growing up so fast!

Kayden also got a present from his friend Theo. 

He was so happy and so grateful for the cars that Theo gave him. Kayden is really good at being sincere when he thanks people. It really is the cutest thing. It just melts my heart every time he says thank you. 

We then took Theo with us to the "green slide" park.

They had so much fun together! 

Kayden cake! He told me that he wanted an excavator cake. He specifically wanted an excavator on his cake. haha So this was the cake I made. It was so easy.. haha I love easy cakes! 

Ethan had an end of golf season party that evening. So before heading to Freddie's for dinner we went to Timnath Middle High for Ethan before heading to dinner. 

Ethan was excited to get his award and to get his golf pictures that they took. He really enjoyed his season.

Then we were off to dinner and after that it was time for presents and cake.

A birthday for Kayden would not be complete without more cars. haha 

He actually ate some of the cake this year. So that is a plus. haha 
All in all it was a successful Birthday. 
We sure do love our sweet Kayden. Every year on their birthdays I can't believe how big they are getting. It is so bitter sweet. I love watching them grow and change but its so sad that they keep getting older too. haha My tiny Kayden isn't so tiny anymore. 
He still loves to play with cars and loves to watch Blaze and the Monster Machines as well as Mickey Mouse. He really is at a fun stage. He says the funniest things too. He said to Emmett once, "You are exhausting!" this was said because Emmett was getting mad and throwing a tantrum. haha What 4 year old says that. 
Also, one time in the car the boys were arguing. Kayden told the boys, "Stop your attude!!" haha It was so funny to hear him saying that. 
He also plays really well on his own. Im sure a lot of that is because is the baby of the family. It is really nice though when I am trying to get some things done or don't feel well and want to limit his screen time. Another funny thing is that when he gets up in the morning he will come in my room and tell me that "Mom! My boys are watching something" haha He does not like it when they watch something he does not want to watch. I also love it that he calls his brothers "My Boys" it is so cute! He is excited when they leave for school because he can watch what he wants to watch. I do have to mention one other thing. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before. He LOVED his nursery leaders. In fact when he would see them at church he would want to sit by them. When we would tell him no because we loved him and wanted him to sit with us. He would say, "NO Brother Richins loves me!" haha What a silly kid!! He is such a joy in our family and we couldn't imagine our life without him. So excited to continue to see him grow and watch his personality continue to shine. 

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