Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Finishing up May

 The rest of May was full of the end of school things and getting outside as much as possible to enjoy any nice weather we were having. 

Me and Kayden went to the pond by Walmart and let Kayden ride his scooter around. We also went another time with his friend Theo. Kayden loved going down the hill. He cruised down it so fast I thought for sure he was going to eat it every time! Thankfully no casualties. 

Scooter Park time!!

Ethan's scooter broke about 5 minutes into our time at the scooter park. 

Thankfully, a kid that was there had another scooter with him and let Ethan borrow it. Super nice of him. Ethan was lucky that he had brought 2 of them and that he was willing to let him use it for a while. 

They love showing off their skills and always want me to record them. 

One morning the boys were getting some things done before we went out for some fun. I had Ethan teach Wyatt how to do his own laundry! It was a great sight to see as I watched them get their laundry done. 

And Emmett was reading to Kayden. It was a successful morning! 

Then we took off to let all of them ride around the pond by Walmart. 

Kayden would tell Wyatt he wanted to be pushed because he was tired. So Ethan and Wyatt would help push him or take turns pushing him. He definitely is the only kid that complains about being tired when riding a bike or scooter. 

They all had a blast riding as fast as they could down the hill. Always makes me nervous. I just keep expecting someone to fall and get major road rash. Thank goodness it never happened. 

We also had made a fire and did tin foil dinners one evening with Papa and Gigi.

Nothing like tin foil dinners and smores over the fire pit! It makes for a fun smokey evening. haha 

We also got out garden started since it was now May. We planted it a lot later than we usually do. Life was just busy so we just kept putting it off.

Kayden was so excited to find a little baby rolly polly. He thought it was so cute! 

All the boys enjoy helping plant the garden.

Then Ethan cleaned off the porch. 

Even Kayden was trying to help. 

Lets just hope that we get something from our garden this year. 

A little bit of park time! 

We rode our bikes to Wendy's too that month. We all love going on these bike rides to get lunch or dinner from places. It is so much fun getting out and enjoying nice weather. 

Emmett and Kayden sitting together outside in stormy weather. It was cute seeing them sitting together under an umbrella. 

We actually had a pretty good storm. 

What is crazy is we had that size of hail and some of our friends that live just down the road 2 minutes had palm sized hail. Crazy how it can be so different just down the road. 

Our first pool days! 

We also took the kids to Top Golf after school was over for the year. So this is a little bit out of order but oh well. It is always a good time except for when Emmett complains because he is hungry and wants to eat something right then and there. We end up having to repeat ourselves many times telling him that we are getting IN N OUT after. 

They still had a good time. 

Kayden kept giving us grumpy faces. He was being a nut and was grumpier than usual. He must have been hungry. haha

We tried a fruity drink that they had. It sounded so yummy but it was not good. What a waste of money! 

What is crazy is that it was nice and sunny when we left and when we first started playing. Then we saw the clouds coming in. Soon it was super windy and the temp had dropped. It was crazy how fast the weather changed. It was nice and warm at first and then it was super windy and cold. We were watching the lightning getting closer and closer. It was kind of crazy. 

What is cool is that because it was raining by the time we got to IN N OUT the kids got free hot chocolate! The kids were dipping their fries in their hot chocolate. Silly kids! 

Emmett and Wyatt's bus driver this year was really nice. She would give the kids candy every Friday. The boys were always excited for Friday to come and get candy. This day they were given a ton of stuff. She was super nice and they really liked her. 

Brandon and I went to the Temple and were going to take turns with Kayden but we ran out of time. 

So I got to go in the Temple and then Brandon went another day. It was a nice sunny day though and always a good time going to the Temple. 

Before we knew it the last day of School had arrived. 

Last day of school!! So crazy!! Ethan is looking so much older these days! 

The kids had a good school year and were excited for summer. 

Emmett's art work from the year. 

Wyatt's art work. 

We tried getting Kayden to ride his bike without training wheels. Ya... it did not go over very well. He kept talking about wanting to take them off. So we let him try. 

Then we had to put them back on. haha We are not ready for no training wheels yet. 

Took Gigi to the pond to ride scooters with Kayden. 

We had a "Survivor finale" night with our friends the Barkers who were sadly moving far away. We decided to bring a coconut to the evening this time since they eat a lot of coconut on the show. haha 

Chick Fil A outing with Kaydens best bud Theo.

What a goofy grin!! haha Kayden's ninja turtle smile kills me every time he does it. 

Park time with his trucks! 

My parents were gone for Kayden's birthday this year. So when they got back they brought Kayden his presents. He was pretty excited to have more presents to open. 

Again the pics are backwards. He got a fun dinosaur that you shoot nerf ball into the mouth and a paw patrol bulldozer truck. He was so stoked! 

My flowers from Mothers Day. 

Before school was out for the year the kids had their annual field day. Since we were able to join them for a picnic lunch we picked up firehouse subs for the kids and met them on the playground. 

We were running late which was a terrible thing to do on field day. They only get a few minutes to eat lunch before they go back to their day. It was so sad walking up and seeing them standing by the gate looking so sad like we had forgotten about them. That is something I wish we had not done. I wish we had made it on time. It hurts my mom heart seeing their faces look sad and almost worried that we forgot about them. Once we got there and they saw me they were all happy. It was a quick lunch but it was a good time chatting with them to see how their field day was going. 

Lastly, I went with Kayden to a library story time that was at our Timnath council building. I have not gone to story times with Kayden like ever. So he was a little nervous. He kept wanting to sit with me. I told him sit with his friend Theo. He eventually warmed up but he didn't want to do any of the movements and songs that they did. I am not sure how preschool will go. haha I hope he does ok with preschool in the fall. He was pretty happy about being able to bring a couple of books home to read though. May was a busy month and we went from nice warm weather to cold windy weather. After our trips to warm places I can't wait for summer weather to arrive!

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