Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The start to a wet June

 Well summer break was in full swing and we had a lot of rainy days. It was kind of crazy how much rain we were getting. We were supposed to have started digging our house foundation but the rain was not letting that happen. June was full of a lot of rainy days, some sunny warm days, painting our house, one on ones and other activities. It was a fun and busy first part of June. 

Getting the kids out in between the rain storms for some exercise. 

Took the kids in to Dad's office to get cleanings done. Kayden and Ethan had cavities so that was a bummer. The other boys were clean and clear. 

Getting out for some exercise again before any rains came. 

Then Timnath had their ice cream social. The kids were excited to go play and get free ice cream. 

The boys figured out the trick to getting to the top of this ladder thing. 

Kayden was really funny while we were there. The live music that the band was playing Kayden was really enjoying. He was really feeling the music and was dancing. It was the cutest. I have video of it but you will just have to believe me. haha He was super excited to go in this truck bounce house too.

We also got some paint to repaint our entire house. We figured if we are going to sell our house we are going to need to repaint the house. It is just so brown in our house. haha So we started the process with the upstairs. The kids were excited to help. It was fun to watch them working hard to help get the upstairs painted. Papa and Gigi were there to help too. We painted like all day long and then went to get dinner after. 

I love these pictures of the boys helping paint. Sadly, we have a lot left to do. haha 

Apparently Wyatt is a good stool to sit on in front of some home made rolls in the oven. haha 

Went to Papa and Gigi's house for dinner and ended up watching Indiana Jones. 
I was worried how they would handle the end seen when the bad guys faces melt off. So I told them not to look. Ethan didn't want to but also wanted to. haha Its funny seeing his eye peeking through his hand. Wyatt at first didn't want to and then changed his mind and watched. Emmett and Kayden didn't watch and Brandon just laughed. Other than that part the kids liked the movie. 

I had to take our "Faith tree" down because we were going to paint the walls. The boys were bummed that I was going to take it down. So I had to at least get a picture of them in front of it. I have a picture of them with it when we first put it up. They were so little and Kayden was not even in the picture.

Some pool time! 

I have not taken the boys out on one on ones in a long time. So I decided it was time since they were out of school and Ethan could help watch the other kids. So I started with Emmett. We went to scheels and rode the ferris wheel and got ice cream. 

I also let him get a couple of treats. He was stoked! It is fun to take the boys out on their own and just chat with them and see how things are going. Plus I also can talk to them about things that maybe they need to work on. It was a fun outing with Emmett. I needed time with just Emmett. He has a hard time controlling his temper and does not like to listen. So I wanted to have time with him to just have some fun and be light hearted and enjoy just being with him. I also wanted to talk to him what we can do to help him control his temper and to listen better. It was a good outing. 

I took Wyatt to Fort Fun to go mini golfing. It was so much fun. Plus the sun was shining and it was nice and warm. So we played some mini golf and then played in the arcade. 

I also got us a diet coke to share. He loves diet coke like I do. So he was very excited. haha He is my child for sure!! 

Wyatt ended up getting the new high score on this crossy road game. He got over 600 tickets by beating the high score. He was stoked. I was nervous watching him get closer and closer to the high score. So it was fun watching him beat it. After he was telling me how he was all shaky because of how nervous he was. haha It was a lot of fun!

Proof of how many tickets he won. 

With all the rain we were getting the Poudre river was super high. In fact the bridge under the road by the Walmart pond was closed because the water was on the sidewalk.

Always a fun time having Gigi join us in our activities. 

Kayden sat here in these rocks for like 10 minutes. haha Not sure why. He must have been tired. 

For Ethan's one on one I took him bowling. He has been loving bowling these days because of the time he got a 181 score. So I let Wyatt watch the younger kids and took Ethan out bowling. 

Ethan had really been wanting to try the root beer float. So I got it for us to share. He loved it and I thought it was kind of gross. haha So he ate most of it. 

I told him he should copy the picture of the girl that kept popping up. It was such a silly picture. So we kept trying and finally got this one. haha He is a good sport. 
He didn't get as high as he did when we were out with the whole crew but he still got a good score. 

Then I let him play the arcade for a few minutes. He wanted to play crossy road of course. It is almost the only game they ever want to play now. 
It was fun to get out with just Ethan. He is getting so grown up and maturing so much. It is fun to see the good young man he is becoming. Always a good time being able to just focus on one of the kids individually every once in a while. 

We also had an axe throwing activity for Brandon's office. The kids were stoked to go. We were not sure if they were going to be able to throw the axes. Thankfully they were able to so they had a blast. 

Emmett made a bullseye the first throw he did. It was crazy! haha All of us were flipping out. Then of course the competition was on and they all wanted to hit the bullseye like Emmett. 

Kayden was the only one that really couldn't do it. 

But he found this outside and had fun trying to hammer nails into the stumps and just hitting the wood. haha

What a good helper. Helping to put the outlet covers back on. He was determined to screw them in himself.

The boys made a track with chalk on our driveway that they would ride around on roller blades or scooters or whatever they wanted to ride. 

Another bowling outing.

Keeping Kayden busy with water. He kept blowing bubbles in his water and thought it was so fun. haha

Kayden was not into it this time. He just wanted to play in the arcade. That is the hardest thing with doing the kids bowl free in the summer. Kayden is not super in to it and just complains about wanting to go play in the arcade the whole time. 

Then we went to Hobby Lobby with Gigi to get some fabric for the kids to help make a blanket to give to the hospital. Our ward was doing this as a service project. So I thought it would be something fun the kids could do. So we went to go pick out some fabric for it. 
Kayden was being crazy!! He is such a goofball sometimes. 

We finally decided on this print. 

Went for a walk in the morning and Emmett wanted to come. 

Emmett is always giving me flowers. It is a very sweet thing that he does. The problem is he ends up wanting to pick the flowers that are in peoples yards or in the community areas that he probably shouldn't be picking. So I usually let him do it once and then try to keep him from picking more. haha He is very thoughtful though and loves to give me flowers. 

Some fun on the trampoline with Max and Theo Hansen. Summer is always an interesting thing. The kids always fight more right after summer break starts and then it gets better until the end of summer again. I am just glad that we are able to enjoy some sun in between all of the rain. Now if the rain would just stop so our house can get started. 

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