Thursday, August 31, 2023

Finishing up August

On August 17th the boys were off to school minus Kayden. I still can't believe school is already here. Summer did not feel like it was long enough. Didn't help that the weather was not as hot as usual. The boys were excited to start school though. Wyatt and Emmett were really excited about their teachers. Ethan was not as excited about school starting but he was a little excited. 

Wyatt and Emmett start earlier than Ethan. So they got ready and then I sent them off on the bus which is in a different spot again this year. Then I jumped in the car and drove to school to see them head off to the first day of school. 

The boys bus was late so I was glad that I had gone. Wyatt barely made it to his line with his class and Emmett's class was already in the building. So I walked with him in the building to make sure he got where he was supposed to go. 

We met up with his class and I said one last good bye. 

Ethan stayed home with Kayden so I could just head to the school really quick. When I got back it was time to take Ethan's picture and get him off to school too. 

He is looking too grown up these days. 
I didn't walk him to the bus this year. I let him go off on his own because he feels like such a big kid now. I can't believe this is Wyatt's last year of Elementary school and Ethan's last year of Middle school. It is so crazy!! 

Kayden and I then got to go out to lunch with Dad now that the older boys are in school. It was a fun outing. 

Wyatt got a letter in the mail. However, it was marked as a package. We got a letter saying that it could be picked up at the post office. So I took Wyatt and we went to go get his letter. It was from Tate and apparently because he put a candy in it that was too thick it didn't fit in the regular mail. We had to pay 4 dollars for 2 pieces of candy. It was the most expensive candy I have ever paid for. 

More progress on our house! They are starting to frame the basement. 

We love going to the house to look at the progress. Although this made me nervous. Kayden would just run around and I was worried he would fall off one of the drop offs. So I was not loving Kayden being on the main floor with all of the drop offs around. 

Then we went to Jason's Deli with Papa and Gigi. Their ice cream maker wasn't working so we went to Dairy Queen right after to get some ice cream.

Papa bought the ice cream for us and we sat on the table outside and enjoyed it before heading home. Of course the boys decided they needed to play on the bike racks which is closer to the road than I would like. It is never a dull moment with a bunch of boys. haha 

Wyatt also started Soccer. He had been really wanting to try soccer this year. He asked me last year too but I forgot to sign him up until it was too late. I ended up getting him on the wait list and right before the season started I got a call that there was a spot for him. He was super excited. 

Wyatt enjoyed his first practice. He said it was a lot of running but he did a great job. For only playing at recess at school he did a great job for his first couple of practices. 

More going up at our house!! Yay!!!

Emmett found this massive caterpillar in our house. haha It was huge and super fluffy.

Look at all of that framing going up on our house. We are getting walls! SO EXCITING!!

Kayden wanted to wear his backpack when we were going somewhere. It looks so big on him. 

Then we were off to Colorado Springs for Pipers baptism. It was a quick but good weekend. We got to enjoy some yummy sodas, eat yummy food, play games and watch Piper get baptized. 

Pipers Grandma and Grandpa Borders came too and they had their dogs with them. Emmett couldn't get enough of their dogs. He wanted to sleep with them every night. Grandma Borders also became Emmett's favorite. He wanted to talk to her and be with her all the time. It was pretty cute and she was very kind to him. 

Out door movie night!

The weather cleared up enough for us to have a movie night outside. Nothing better than a nice evening with some popcorn and candy watching a movie. It was a late night because we can't start the movie until the sun goes down. So Kayden was exhausted during the movie and wouldn't sit still. He kept getting up and walking around. So eventually Brandon took him to bed. So he missed out on probably half of the movie but he was so tired no one else was getting anything out of the movie. He kept standing up and walking around and talking to people and going in and out of the house. He didn't even fight going to bed. That is what happens when you are around cousins and stay up late and are up early.

 After getting home we let the boys play at the dirt hill again. 

They all made some kind of sitting or laying creation. Kayden just laid on the dirt and said it was his bed. haha 

Just hanging out with Batman!

My Dad took me and Kayden out for breakfast. Gigi was in California and since it had been a long time since me and my Dad had been out together he thought it would be fun. Kayden loved it! He said while we were at the "Original Pancake House", "Mom, I know when we have pancakes for dinner at home. We can just come here!" haha  

Then Kayden and I went on a walk around our block. Well Kayden rode the 4 wheeler and I walked. He found a crab apple on the floor. So he picked it up and handed it to me. He then said, "Mom! We should break it open and see if there is a crab in it!" haha Why wouldn't it have a crab in it? It is called a crab apple! haha So got home and broke it open to find that there was no crab in it. Kayden was just a little grossed out with how it looked inside and I think he was bummed that there was no crab! 

Framing up the boys rooms! The kids were so excited to see where there rooms are going to be.

Went to the car wash and Kayden wanted to do the vacuuming. He did a great job and was so helpful! 

Bowling with some friends. Kayden and I went with his friend Theo and a new friend Liam (who is in his preschool class this year). Kayden actually bowled the whole came. Then we walked around the arcade with him whinning that he wanted to play the games. None of his friends moms were paying for them to play so I didn't want Kayden to be the only one actually playing. So I kept telling him that he needed to just pretend. He was not having it and got pretty upset. I brought our card so I was able to get him a little prize with the points that we had on the card. 

On our way home I decided to stop at Wendy's. My heel was hurting really bad. I didn't do anything to my heel. I just was doing my physical therapy exercises like usual and all of a sudden my heel started to tingle and then it started to hurt. It was really frustrating. So after walking around and it hurting me so bad I did not want to walk around the kitchen and make lunch for me and Kayden. So I went through the drive thru and got us lunch instead. When we got home Kayden and I just relaxed and watched some TV for a little while. I borrowed an ankle brace from my Dad to help. It did help but it still hurt really bad to walk on it. I really feel like an old person. I feel like I can't catch a break. First my back for so long. Then as that starts to get under control I hurt tailbone, then my shoulder or peck just wiping the counters. Then I hurt my heel doing the same exercises I have been doing for months. It was super frustrating. Starts to make me feel like I am always going to be in pain with one thing or another. Someday I hope to be pain free. Anyways, that was how we finished up August! 

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