Monday, September 11, 2023

September has begun

September 1st Kayden had a little meet and greet at preschool. Ho was able to meet his teachers and his class mates. 

He loved the blocks that they had and didn't want to clean them up when it was time to. In fact he had built a train and when it was time to clean up Theo grabbed it and broke some of it trying to put it away. Kayden was so sad he started to cry saying that Theo broke his train. Me and Brandon had to tell him it was ok because it was time to clean up. He could make it again when he gets a chance to play with them another time. 

Then they had a little circle time where they their teacher talked to them a little bit about how class would go. They sang a little welcome song with all the kids names and then it was time to go to the next classroom.

This year for preschool he will be in one classroom on Monday and Wednesday and then a bigger classroom on Friday. He loved all the toys that they have to play with at preschool. He is pretty excited to start going. His teachers seem pretty nice. 

Back to the house again to see what they were doing. Funny is that when we showed up Brandon went to talk to one of the guys and one of the framers Brandon knew him. I guess he does dental work on the guy and his wife or somebody in his family cleans their office building. So funny! Brandon was glad to know that because he felt way more comfortable telling him about the little changes that we were making. Instead of waiting till our builder told him. 

On Labor Day we took the kids to the Harmony Pool.

They were so thrilled to finally get all 3 of them on top of Dads shoulders. haha 

My newest collection of leaves from Kayden and Emmett this time. 

Then before I knew it Kayden starting preschool! He was pretty excited to start preschool. 

Look at that cute little boy! He is getting too big.... stop growing!!! 

All ready to go to school with his friend Theo. 

To start the day they have to find their name and then go trace it. Kayden has never traced his name. He really has not drawn anything in his 4 years of life. haha So I had to help him find his name.

I could tell he was feeling self conscious about writing his name. Everyone around him seemed to know exactly how to do it and he had no idea. So he kept telling me he wanted me to do it. Thankfully he tried a little bit and then his teacher came over and told him that he did such a fantastic job and let him be done for the morning. I felt bad because I have not done any of that stuff with him. So I didn't prepare him for preschool. I hope he learns quick so he doesn't feel shy about trying other things. 

One last hug before I left him to be with his class. 

I was glad to see him having fun with the other kids. It felt weird leaving him there. He is my baby and I didn't think it would hit me as hard as it did. I left and went to scheels to look for some socks. I was crying by the time I got there and probably looked like I had just lost my dog. haha I was trying to hold it together but it was hard. I was feeling bad for Kayden and how insecure he seemed to feel about writing his name. I felt bad that I had not worked on things like that with him last year to get him ready for preschool. I just played cars with him and let him play on his own because I was dealing with my body and trying to recover with my back pains. So I didn't do any of that kind of work with him. I just tried to enjoy him and play and do other things. So I felt like it was my fault and my Mommy heart hurt seeing him feeling so insecure. I also was thinking about how this is the start of being with my little buddy less and less. Next year he will be in all day school! I can't believe that!! So it was a rough morning. I did cry a lot!! haha 

Before I knew it it was time to go pick Kayden up from school. It was so cute seeing him so excited to see me. Then I took him to Chick Fil A to celebrate his first day of preschool!

So fun going out with my little buddy! It was fun and then he found some friends to play with at the play place. So he had a great time! The problem is that the next day after I picked him up from school he thought we were going to go to Chick Fil A again because he went to school. He was pretty bummed when I told him we were not going that time. 

Wyatt and Emmett had picture day at school too.

So I told them I would just take a picture of them in the clothes they picked for picture day before they left for school. I never buy their school pictures. They are so over priced and in such terrible backdrops. These boys sure do look handsome all ready for their picture day.

I also decided to take Kayden and Theo to our dirt hill. I figured Theo would love playing in the dirt with his trucks just like Kayden does. So I had them pack up trucks and we headed to the dirt hill. They had fun playing in it for almost 2 hours. Then we made our way back home for some lunch.

Brandon found some grey cabinets on facebook marketplace for an awesome price. So we went to check them out and then decided to buy a bunch for Brandon's office in our new house. We are running out of space in our garage with all these things Brandon keeps purchasing for our house. haha 

That following Saturday Wyatt had his first soccer game. 

Wyatt ended up making their teams first goal. He was stoked!!! He played really well. I was actually surprised at how well he played for it being his first season ever. He made 2 goals and had an assist. It was a fun game to watch. I started thinking maybe he will want to play next season too. Then we got home and he was crying about his legs hurting and didn't want to get off the couch for hours. That changed my mind in a hurry. If he is going to act like that after his games he wont be playing soccer after this season. He can play for fun but I don't want to invest in cleats and the time for him to be completely wiped out after a game.  

Lastly, we have STAIRS!!!!! YAY!!! It is so nice being able to walk down the stairs to our basement instead of climbing through the basement windows. haha So fun!! 


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