Monday, September 24, 2012

Heads up!

Well lets see when I got pregnant this time around my biggest thought was how I was going to try to go natural this time around. I had hated my epidural last time and especially hated having a catheter. So I just thought I really wanted to try and go natural. Then as we have gotten closer I started getting a little bit nervous about it and wondered if I could even handle it. I started to think that maybe I would just try to go natural again and if I wanted an epidural then it could be better then the last time. It could be a way better experience and I knew that I could ask for nausea medicine with my epidural which would make things way better. However, my so called wanting to go natural has been thrown out the window.  At my 33 weeks ultrasound (which we were having because of low fluid with Ethan) they found he was breach. So at my next check up they had me go in for another ultrasound to check and see if he was still breach at around 37 weeks. So I went in for my ultrasound at 37 weeks and low and behold he was still breach. I knew he was still breach because his head is between my ribs. Every night his little head goes right in between my rib cage which makes it very hard to sleep. Plus he is always kicking my butt (LITERALLY). So I kind of figured that he was still breach before I even got to the Ultrasound. We were hoping that he would have flipped since I had been doing things at home to try and get him to flip. I was getting on my hands and knees and rocking back and forth probably 4-5 times a day for about 10 minutes each to try and get him out of my pelvic bone and encourage him to move. I tried ice on my stomach while sitting in the bath with the water right at the bottom of my stomach. I tried putting my knees on the couch and hanging down on the floor as well as some little hammock thing that we were told to do on some website for flipping babies. Nothing worked!! He is a stubborn little boy. So at my check up at 37 weeks when my doctor could still feel his head in my ribs she told me that if we couldn't get him to flip then we would be scheduling a c-section (not in my plans). So she then checked me and found that I was 3 centimeters dilated already and about 50% effaced. She told me that that scared her because I could go into labor anytime within the next week. So she wanted to try the version at the hospital to try and physically flip him. So she suggested that we do it the next day just because I was already dialating. That was all so crazy to me, but I thought whatever we need to do to get this baby to flip lets just do it. So I got home and told Brandon what was going on and he got all excited knowing that we could have a baby within the next week (little did we know that it would not happen. haha)! So my neighbor dropped me off at the hospital on Friday September 14th for the version. Brandon drove so that he could get home if he needed to so thankfully we have really nice neighbors that were willing to drive Ethan to our friends house to be watched and then take me to the hospital. The only thing that made me nervous about the whole thing was the risk of possibly having to have an emergency c-section from the baby not tolerating the version. I did not want to have an emergency c-section without Brandon there with me. So I got to the hospital and got all registered and then was taken to my room where the nurse got my I.V hooked up and had me sign a consent form. I also asked her how fast they would do an emergency c-section and if it came down to that if I would be able to call my husband so he could get here. She told me that if they had to do an emergency c-section that it happens really fast and he would have no time to get here. That FREAKED me out!! So when she left to go get paperwork I had to say a little prayer in my heart that nothing would happen because I did not want to have a c-section without Brandon there with me. So then the nurse told me the risks and then my doctor came in and the Ultrasound Tech came in and they got started. First they made sure the baby was still breach and checked the heart rate, then my OB doctor started to push. It was really weird to have her pushing on my stomach trying to get the baby to move, and I am super ticklish so when she felt around with her fingers near his bum and started trying to push him it tickled. The rest of it was fine, it was not very comfortable and it hurt a little bit but nothing I could not handle. The only time that I actually flinched because of pain was when she dug her fingers in near my pelvic bone to try and move his bum out of there. Ya that did not work! haha So after trying one way, then the other way and back again she decided he was not moving. So that was it. We were going to be having a c-section! They then got another read on the babies heart beat and he looked great still. Then as I was talking with them while being monitored the nurse started to walk out and told me to sit up a little bit and that she was going to go get and I.V. I did not like the sound of that, so I asked if everything was alright, which she reassured me that it was. She said that the baby seemed a little lazy on the monitored so they were going to give me some fluids through my I.V to try and wake him up a little bit. They figured he was either in a little bit of shock or that he was asleep. So she got the fluids going and I sat there for another hour so they could make sure that everything was still fine. Once they left the room I texted Brandon with the details and what was going on and he decided to come to the hospital just in case which was comforting to me because I kept thinking, "what if all of a sudden this little baby is not doing fine and I do have to have an emergency c-section." luckily nothing happened, but it was nice to have Brandon there with me even if it was for nothing. Plus he got to take me home and I did not have to have my neighbor come pick me up. So we went and grabbed Ethan at a friend of ours house and went and grabbed lunch before I dropped Brandon off at school again. So it was official unless this baby decided to turn on his own we were having a c-section. Then I decided to try going to a chiropractor. I had heard of ladies getting adjusted and having their babies flip soon after. So I thought, with the back pain that I have had in the pregnancy maybe something was just off balance and making it hard for him to turn. So last Tuesday I went into a chiropractor that specializes in a technique that is supposed to help babies flip heads down. It was my first adjustment ever and I was actually interested to see how off my alignment was and to see if it would actually work. However, as the day went on after getting adjusted and the night came and went and nothing happened I figured it was not going to work. The Chiropractor wanted me to come in again later that week but I did not want to spend more money on something that was not going to work. So we have stopped trying to get this baby to turn. He obviously knows better than we do of why he is not turning and now it is up to him if he will or not. So totally different than I thought things would ever work out. So lets see with Ethan I had low fluid and was induced at 37 weeks and with this little boy he decided he liked being breach and thus I will be having a c-section. I guess my kids just don't want me to have a natural experience! haha Oh well, at this point I do not care anymore. I am so ready to meet this little guy and I am SO READY to be done being pregnant. So this Wednesday the 26th (which is also my dads birthday) at 7:30 in the morning we will be going in for our scheduled c-section to finally bring this little boy into our family. We are so excited to see what he looks like and we are just hoping that I don't go into labor on my own before then. I would rather have a nice calm experience then feel like we have to rush to the hospital to have a c-section. So that is all we are wanting now. Is a nice calm experience and that our little boy is healthy and strong and that everything goes great! :-) 

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