Thursday, September 12, 2013

11 months old!

Well I can't believe Wyatt is going to be a year old at the end of September!! Time has just gone by way too fast! He is growing up way too fast and it makes me sad. Although I am sad that he is getting so big I do love this stage that he is in. He is such a sweetie pie!! He clicks his tung and still glares at us sometimes. He thinks it is so funny to spit and have Ethan spit too. He always laughs at Ethan all the time even when Ethan is being a little too rough with him he will normally laugh until he decides he doesnt like it anymore. He walks back and forth holding onto the couches all the time and always wants to play with our fireplace (which is not a good thing). He thinks it is funny when I tell him no. haha I will tell him no and he will look at me with a look like, "What did I do?" and then glare and me. Then as he is about to turn around he will smile at me and then keep doing what I told him not to do. haha on August 9th Wyatt started clapping and pulling himself up to stuff. I dont know if I have already mentioned that but he is really fun to have him clap at things. He also waves. Just yesterday he started closing and opening his hands to wave. It is so stinking cute! He loves to point at things and he sometimes will try to share his food with me by taking a bite and then holding the rest out to me to share! haha He only has 5 teeth still and we are wondering when the 4th bottom tooth will make its appearance. He hasnt said mama and dada really intentionally yet. He just gabs nonsense most of the time which is really cute anyways. At some points it sounds like he says things like ow and at one time it sounded like he said brandon haha it was really funny! Anyways, he is just a sweet heart and I am sure he will start talking sooner than later. He is getting good at walking while holding onto one of our hands, so walking might be in his near future. Although, anytime we want to practice passing Wyatt back and forth Ethan wants to do it too. So he gets in between us and starts walking to Daddy. We keep trying to tell him that we are doing it to teach Wyatt and that he already knows how to walk so he doesnt need to practice. But, I think he just wants the attention that Wyatt is getting. Another funny thing that Wyatt has been doing lately is laying down in the middle of the floor randomly when he gets tired. He will be crawling somewhere and he will just stop and lay his head down where ever he is. Whether it is the kitchen floor, the family room, a blanket, or the couch, and then he will get back up and crawl again for a few minutes and then do it all over again. It is so funny and so cute!! He has a lot of attitude and totally lets you know when he is done eating or drinking something by shoving it away as you try to give it to him or just throwing it off his tray. He is a really good eater and likes most things. One thing that he does not seem to care for is spaghetti noodles. He does not like the texture of them and just spits it out. Ethan loved Spaghetti noodles, so that is one thing that Wyatt does not care for. He likes noodles just not spaghetti noodles! haha He loves it when I chase after him and likes to try and play catch. Well I think that is about it for now. We sure are loving this little chunker and look forward to all the fun times we have a head of us with him!

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