Monday, May 5, 2014

GG visits

So my mom came to visit on the 26th of March. We flew her out so that she could come help me with shooting a wedding. It was a lot of fun having her here!! The boys loved having her here too. Ethan would wake up early every morning wondering where GG was. If he didnt see her downstairs he would get all worried until he found her. So anyways, my mom got in town on that Wednesday and on Thursday we headed to Denver to meet with kelly the girl we were doing the wedding for and then we were going to go to the zoo. However, it ended up being super windy so we had a major change of plans. We ended up just going to the Colorado History Museum to meet with Kelly since that was were she was getting married. So after talking with her for a bit we walked around the museum with the boys looking for spots that we could take pictures at for the wedding the next day. Then we headed home. That Friday morning we got up and left by 9:30 I believe and go to a house that Kelly was going to be at to take pictures of her getting ready. It ended up being a waste of time since Kelly (the bride) was not even getting ready for like 3 more hours. So me and my mom left and grabbed lunch at...

Which was on Diners-Drive-Inn and Dives. We didnt try what the food that was tried on the show but we split a steak pita thing and it was really yummy! 

I would totally go back! This was super yummy! Filled with lots of yummy avocado and just all around good! 

Then we were off to go practice with our cameras at the museum to get lighting right. 

Yes I am a spaz! :-) 

Trying to see if our setting were right for the first look picture when the bride walks up behind the groom! haha 

We had fun being goof balls while we were getting are cameras setting all ready! :-) 

Me and my mom with our Visitor badges all ready to shoot thousands (literally) of pictures! 

After tons of pictures of family and friends and the ceremony it was time for the reception. 

They had little mini hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and a nacho bar and well as some meat. We we finally got a break around 8 I believe and we ate some dinner. We had a few minutes to chow down and then it was time to take pictures of the toasts and dances and everything else. It was a really long day! On the way home my mom and I stopped at a McDonalds drive through just to grab a diet coke to keep us away on our way home! What a long day! It was fun spending the day with my mom and working with her on the wedding. It was a huge learning experience and I dont know that I care to really get into shooting weddings! haha

Wyatt listening to music on GG's headphones! 

Ethan was so silly in the mornings. If he didnt see GG he would be very concerned. So this picture was taken early in the morning when the boys were up and found GG. They both piled in to sit with GG in her bed! haha 

 Oh my what a cutie!! 

He LOVES hats and I love all of these pictures with the different faces he is making! :-)  

Park Time!! 

The boys sure do love GG!! 

Letting GG try out Freddie's for the first time! She liked it! After eating our dinner Brandon bought their ice cream sandwich for us all to split. That way GG could try it because they are so good! Then we decided to get a pint of their chocolate ice cream to take home. My mom being the silly girl she is bought the pint and 4 more ice cream sandwiches to take home! haha 

Wyatt likes to practice shoveling the drive way! haha He should be really good at it by next winter! :-) 

Oh wait what?? Ethan got hurt again?? Figures! haha 

 Blowing bubbles in the backyard!

Then last but not least. The going away dinner of champions. Firehouse Subs! My mom had wanted to eat firehouse while she was here so we got it the night she left for one last evening out with her here. Then Brandon had to go to scouts and I had to drop GG off at the airport! It is always fun to have her here and always sad to see her go home! I know Grandpa was missing her and she had to go home but it never makes it any easier to say see you later! Sure do love my mom and we were all glad she could come out. Next time wont be so much business as this time was, and Grandpa will come next time! :-) So we will look forward to their next visit! :-)  

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