Friday, May 2, 2014

Life February 26- March 24 2014

Just some fun pictures of our life! :-) 

Ya they are roughly the same picture but their faces just make me smile! :-)

Sure do love my  boys! Even if they drive me nuts some times! :-)

Loving on some Chick-fil-A ice cream! :-)

He wanted to sit at the table and watch the TV! haha silly boy! :-)

Love this face!!!

Ethan drew this picture and said it was the Holy Ghost! :-) haha He has been getting more interested in drawing pictures! He likes to draw people and spiders! They all kind of look like this, but it is fun to see him getting interested in actually drawing and not just scribbling!

Dad, "Why does it smell like pee in your room Ethan?" then he looks under the dresser in Ethans room and finds the culprit! Ethan keeps stashing all of his pee diapers in the morning under his dresser! It makes his room smell terrible!! He knows where the trash can is in the bathroom upstairs and yet he decides to put them under his dresser! I dont understand it!

We move from Arizona thinking we are getting away from the rocks but, no! We have so many rocks in our backyard and the boys love to play with the rocks. That is really all they play with. I thought we were done with that! Oh well I guess it is a boy thing!

Park time!!

Any time it is warm enough we try to get out of the house and go to the park. Sometimes Ethan wants to go to the "big slide park" which is a few miles away. So if we are going to be in town anyways I decide to go ahead and take them there! They do like the park and being outside so it is nice to get outside when we can.

Ethan climbing like the big boys and girls! He did a pretty good job getting up there. I do get a little nervous, but, he was being careful!

Wyatt LOVES hats!! I have probably mentioned that before but if not then I just did! Any time he sees a hat he will want to put it on. He is so funny! He thinks it is pretty cool to wear hats!

More park time but this time at the park in our neighborhood!

Yes you wouldnt think we were at the park because you dont see any slides or swings. However, there is a basketball court right next to the park and if there is a ball over there Wyatt cannot stay put at the park. He must go over at play with the balls! What a silly boy! :-)

Ethan layed down in the cart at Target and covered himself. It looks like he is sleeping! If I had let him stay that way he probably would have fallen asleep since he has been waking up before 7 a lot of days.

Fell asleep with a book. He really likes books too! He will go pick out a book and come over and sit on my lap so that I can read it to him! So cute!! :-)

We bought a little table for the boys and this was the first time we were able to use it. I think the boys liked eating outside on their own table! Although they didnt stay sitting for long at least they had something to sit on and eat their lunch outside! :-)

Ethan one day said that he wanted chicken carrots and potatoes for lunch. So that is what he got. Left over chicken cut up, cooked carrots and tater tots! :-)

Daddy pulling the boys around on the blanket!

The boys had fun even though some of these pictures do not look like Wyatt is having much fun! haha

Family movie night! :- )

This was my attempt at making St. Patricks day a little fun! Green eggs for dinner! haha


Grandma and Grandpa Murri send us an FHE lesson once a month and this one was on seasons. It was a fun little lesson!

I took Wyatt upstairs one day to try and put him down for a nap. While I was looking for something Ethan came upstairs and sat on the chair and helped Wyatt up. Then he started to read to Wyatt!

Super cute!! He can be such a good big brother when he wants to be! :-)

We got our patio poured! So glad to have a space to sit on and enjoy watching the boys play outside this summer!

Ethan put balls in his shirt to make him have big muscles! haha Silly boy!

I was cleaning the house one day and told Ethan to go clean up his room. He then came out a few minutes later saying that his room was clean. When I went into his room the floor was clean but the clothes and toys were on his bed and in his closet! haha Made me laugh! 

In our basement we have our manger with the baby jesus in it. Wyatt likes to go grab the baby Jesus and say, "baby aww" and cuddle the baby! It is pretty precious! Then I will tell him to go put the baby to sleep and he will go put the baby in the manger again and help me cover the baby up with the blanket! Super cute! 

Pretty sky here in Timnath!

Then I took some pictures of the boys playing in our backyard!

What cute boys!

Man what a cute family I have!! 

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