Monday, May 5, 2014

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Murri

So the third week in April Grandma and Grandpa Murri came to visit for a few days. Daddy sure was excited to be able to go golfing with Grandpa Murri since it had been a very long time since he had gone golfing. So they went golfing twince while they were here and we did a couple Easter activities with them. The boys enjoyed having Grandpa and Grandma Murri here and they were sad to see them leave. We died eggs with them, went to the park, ate out all together, and played in the backyard. It was fun to have them here for a few days. 

Dying eggs

Ethan is such an intense kid! haha Even though you can't see his face you can just see the intense (grumpy) face he is making! haha 

They sure had fun dying eggs with Grandma and Grandpa Murri! We didn't have any vinegar and so our eggs didn't have very much color. It was still fun though! 

Zoned into the TV while Grandma and Grandpa were trying to play memory with the boys!! haha

Playing memory

The neighborhood Easter egg hunt!

It was a huge turn out for the neighborhood egg hunt, and they had a TON of eggs! The boys had fun and the hung was over in under 5 minutes! haha

Having fun in our backyard and enjoying the beautiful weather! 
Grandma and Grandpa Murri didnt stay to enjoy Easter with us because they had to get home! They had been on vacation visiting all of their grandkids for about 3 weeks so they were ready to get home. We had fun with them here while they were here though! The boys had fun and us adults had fun playing card games when the boys were finally down for the night! Overall, a great visit from the Murri's 
(ps I ran my first 7 miles with Lee while she was here. It felt good to know that I could actually make that many miles when I have not been doing much cardio at the gym!) 

Easter Sunday

Wyatt enjoying some candy early in the morning! 

The boys having fun looking through their baskets of eggs!

Easter morning went pretty well. We fed the boys some breakfast and then went on an Easter egg hunt in our basement. The Easter bunny was so sneaky and hid an Easter surprise for me and Daddy this year. The boys got some cool things as well. They both got a lot of candy and little foam airplanes as well as some other little toys. Daddy got some peeps and some starburst jelly beans and I got some cookies and cream Quest protein bars! Man that Easter Bunny was good to us this year! After hunting for eggs the boys were aloud to enjoy some candy and then it was time to get ready for church. Then all heck broke loose! Church was a fiasco with the boys. They were both tired and hopped up on too much candy. Ethan was a grump and tried to trip me on our way to primary, which set my mood for my primary class (not a very good mood)! Then we had a traditional roast meal for dinner that night because we didn't want to buy a ham for just us. It would have gone to waste! So we had dinner and then chatted with the Murri's on Google Plus. The whole time the boys were being bonkers and naughty, Especially Ethan! After getting in trouble multiple times Ethan told me he wanted me killed. Not exactly what I wanted to end my Easter Sunday with. He was sent to his room and then told to apologize to me! Me and Bran talked about it later and how Ethan had been learning about Jesus being killed and that is all he associates kill with. So I did not like that he said that to me at all and it pretty much ruined the rest of my night. I know I shouldn't have let it ruin my night but how can you not when  your 3 year old tells you he wants you killed. The only association that he has of killed is of seeing Jesus being killed on the cross! So not my ideal of to Easter but oh well! Next year will hopefully be better! At least he has not said it again and he does tell me he loves me a lot! So I think next year the Easter bunny may  not be bringing much candy to our house! haha 
On a religious note: I am so thankful for my Savior and that he atoned for my sins, died for me and was resurrected! Sometimes as a mother, life gets busy with just handling situations with kids and trying to keep an orderly house as well as kids from fighting. At the same time trying to teach them the gospel with 2 minute attention spans, it gets hard to really focus of my own closeness to my savior. But, I do believe that my Savior lives and that because he atoned, died and was resurrected I have a fighting chance in my imperfectness, to be able to live with my Heavenly Father and Jesus again, and be with my family for eternity! I am so thankful for that knowledge and the chance we get to celebrate Easter each year and be reminded of what the Savior has done for us and what it means for each of us!! 

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