Sunday, July 5, 2020

Kayden's 1st Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this sweet boy!!! I can't believe Kayden is 1 already!!! 
Here are the first few pictures I got of him on his birthday.. 

Such a sweet face!! He was so happy to see me that morning. He ate some breakfast and then played for bit and after his nap we filled some balloons to have all over the floor for when he woke up. 

He wasn't so sure about the balloons at first. haha He eventually warmed up to it and then had fun with them. 

We had cake earlier than later for his birthday. We didn't want to have the same problem we did with Emmett and have him too tired to enjoy it. 
He smiled at the cake and put his hand in the frosting and then made a disgusted face. So Brandon gave him a taste of the frosting which he really liked. So we cute a chunk out of the cake and gave it to him. He had some fun with it and ate a good amount of it.  

Then he was done and tired of having it all over his hands. So we cleaned him up and gave him a bath. 
After that it was time for presents. 

Oh my goodness!!! He is seriously the cutest!! 

He was given some sixlets from Grandma Hunstman and he knew exactly what to do with it. It went right into his mouth wrapper and all! hahaha 

Kayden got some fun toys for his birthday and he seemed to enjoy opening up the presents. 
Hopefully he has fun playing with the toys now. 

Yay for the birthday boy!!! 

This is the water table that he got. While I ran to pick up pizza from Costco for dinner Brandon set it up. Brandon said that Kayden was having a blast playing with it just in the house. So we were hopeful that he would love it when it was outside and had water in it. The night ended with eating pizza (which Kayden loves) and then the kids were off to bed. It was a good 1st birthday!! Kayden is such a joy in our family. He isn't walking quite yet. He gets super nervous to take any steps away from the couch or anywhere that he is standing by. He cruises when you hold onto his hands and will even walk around if you hold onto just one of his hands. He just gets too nervous to try and walk if there is nothing for him to hold onto. We figure it will happen soon. He loves pizza, fruit, most veggies including zucchini and he will even eat some asparagus. He really seems to be over any baby food. He will just spit it out. Even if its not actually baby food. If it has the texture of baby food he just spits it back out. That has been frustrating. We have been trying to get him off of the bottle but he won't drink much from his sippy cup yet so that makes it hard. He does one bottle in the morning and one at night. We are trying to get him down to just one. As soon as he drinks more during the day from a sippy cup then we can drop that down a little bit more. He loves to be downstairs in the basement and now loves to be outside. We go out in the backyard a lot these days. He still does his baby gibberish and sometimes says things like mama or dada or baba. He likes to Dada when I tell him to say Mama and then he smiles and giggles a little bit. So I think he is doing it on purpose just to be silly. He sleeps through the night and normally goes down to bed super easy. As long as he has his binkie and the corner of his blanket to hold he will usually go right down to bed. Sometimes he will wake up an hour or 2 later and cry and need to be brought downstairs for a drink and a snack and some Tylenol. Other than that he normally does really well at bedtime. He has started to try and get rid of his second nap which is hard. I really enjoy his 2 naps. He is so busy these days that I am just so tired of chasing him around. So those naps are really nice. haha I guess it just means he is getting older and soon will only take 1 long nap. He loves his brothers and wants to be a part of there fun already. He loves to clap his hands and he gets groovy to music when it's on. He will sit in his high chair and move his upper body to the beat when there is music on. It is the cutest thing ever. Kayden also loves to be chased around the couch. All I have to say is, "I'm going to get you!" and he will take off laughing across the couch. He has been such a joy in our family and we couldn't love him more than we do! Hopefully this year we will be able to find out that his Kidney issue isn't an issue and that it is going down on its own so that we can stop worrying about that and he won't have to have anymore procedures done because of it. We can't wait to see what this next year of life brings for a sweet little Kayden!!! Happy Birthday!!!! 

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