Monday, November 9, 2020

More of September

I took this picture to show that I had earned stickers for being an awesome zoo keeper. haha Emmett is still totally into Cheetahs. He wants to play any chance he can get. It is not a very fun game. He just tells me what to say and how to play. He is always the cheetah (or other animal) and I have to be a little girl who wants to buy a cheetah from the zoo. This day he decided to just be every zoo animal and I had to feed all of them. Then I was able to earn an animal sticker after I was done feeding a certain animal. When I was done playing because I was tired of it he wanted to play more. Thankfully, I was able to get away from the zoo and we moved on with the day. I sent this picture to Brandon to show him how awesome I am at feeding animals at the zoo. haha I feel like it would be different playing with Emmett if he played differently. If he would let me do what I wanted or say what I wanted to then it would be a little bit more fun. I have offered to be a mom cheetah or a different animal and he always tells me no and that I have to be a person and that I want to buy a cheetah for a dollar! It gets pretty old pretty fast but I am trying to enjoy the play time with him because I know he wont always do this. Which to be honest I can't wait until he is past this phase of playing. haha 
Went through the car wash and it broke off my back windshield wiper. Not cool!!!! thankfully Brandon found a replacement on Amazon for cheap and it works great! 

Kayden loves these magnetic tiles. He especially loves to break down any creations that the boys put together. 

Kayden is such a funny little boy these days. He makes us laugh all the time! 

Then he got stuck in between the couches. haha Brandon had the couches separated to be able to fix the rips in them. So naturally Kayden thought it would be a good idea to squeeze through them. haha 

Giving our couches a make over!

After!!! They look so much better now!! 

Kayden also had his first experience sitting in the cart at Costco. He was so excited about it!

He was making the funniest faces and he was making noises like he was a car or something. haha His happiness didn't last very long, but, he finally had the experience. haha 

We also went golfing together as a family and Kayden took some turns. He loved it!!! 

Kids and electronics....

This kid is seriously so flexible! He will just sit at the table like this while he eats. haha It is so funny to see his little foot come up from under the table! 

He was not sure how he felt about Daddy's headphones. haha Brandon had a meeting on zoom so he was using his headphones and Kayden was very curious. So Brandon let him try them out. He did not seem to like them very much! 

Yet another morning eating breakfast with his foot on the table. haha 

Playing cheetahs outside. I tried to get Emmett to play super hero's instead of cheetahs. It didn't last long! 

Play dough outside in the backyard. It was so nice outside and it wasn't super smoky so we decided to play with play dough in the yard instead of inside the house. 

Kayden thought he was so funny licking the cabinets! Silly kid!! haha 

Marble track downstairs in the basement. 

Kayden has really started to want to be a big boy like his brothers. He sat down next to Emmett one morning and wanted his chocolate milk. So I made him some in the same kind of sippy cup and he sat there and watched some cartoons for a little bit sitting next to his brother. It was pretty cute! 

Making dinner one night and the fork fell and landed perfectly on my toe that it stabbed me. It hurt!!

Blood red moon yet again!! The day had been so nice and barely smelt of smoke. By the evening however the smoke had moved in big time again and it smelled awful outside. 

climbing everywhere!! 

Huge mushrooms in our backyard. Emmett couldn't believe how big they had gotten!!

Kayden kept climbing up to the table so I gave him a marker and paper. 
He was having fun coloring, so I started to vacuum the kitchen. When I came back to see how he was doing...

He was eating the paper. 

and the markers... haha 
I guess he doesn't last very long when it comes to coloring. Or anything for that matter.

We also were able to attend church for the first time in many months. So I had to document it with our masks.

Why use a fork to eat cheese when you can use a mini screw driver. haha 

These are what the boys finger painted! Ethan had to do it for school so I let the other boys join in. 

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