Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Ethan's first day of 7th grade

August 15th of Ethan's first day of 7th grade at Timnath Middle High. He was not as excited to start school this year. I guess that comes with the territory of getting older. haha 

Crazy to think that he is in 7th grade. 

The lighting outside seemed really nice right as we got outside that morning. So I wanted to try and get pictures of the boys. However, as soon as we got them ready and outside the sun started to peak through the clouds. 

At least we tried and managed some kind of pictures of all of them.

Then before we knew it it was time to Ethan to head to the bus. Its so weird having Ethan leave at 8:30 this year. They switched with the younger kids. Emmett and Wyatt now leave at 7:40 and Ethan leaves at 8:30. That also means that Emmett and Wyatt are home by 2:55 and Ethan is not home until 4:30! Yuck!! I am not a fan of Ethan being home at 4:30. That seems so late! 

Kayden wanted to go to the bus that morning to see Ethan off. 

It was a family affair going to the bus that morning. We all watched Ethan get on the bus that morning for his first day of school. 

Look at that stud!!! He is looking so old these days. It is sad to me! 

Then we were off to go meet Wyatt's teacher.

After getting his supplies in order and chatting with the teacher we were off to see where he was going to line up in the mornings. However, we couldn't find where his teachers name was. So Wyatt ran back in the school to find out. Apparently the teacher didn't have time to write her name on the sidewalk. So she told him where they would be and we headed home. 

The kids were not in to anything that day. Wyatt was bored and didn't want to go swimming. His friend Nathan ended up coming over and played for a little bit and then they went to his house. So while Wyatt was at his friends house I took Kayden and Emmett to go swimming at the harmony pool.

We got to the pool and there was no one there. I thought we had hit the jackpot and had the pool to ourselves. Sadly, as soon as the boys got in the water the ladies came out and told us that the pool was closed because there was lightning 10 miles away. Lame!!

So we made our way to my parents house to go sit in the hot tub before the storm made its way closer.

We sat in the hot tub for a little while and then the kids played for a few minutes at Gigi's house and then we headed back home to be home for Wyatt to get home. We also needed to be home for Ethan to get home from his first day back at school! It was a different day that is for sure. Wyatt was too excited for school to start that he really didn't care to do anything fun that we had done all summer. He just wanted school to start. Even Emmett kept saying that he was super excited and couldn't wait for school to start the next day. I am glad they have good schools to go to and that the boys have good teachers that they are excited about. 


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