Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cali Trip

It was so nice to be in California and be able to relax after our crazy trip to Colorado. So that is what we did. We relaxed and had a lot of fun just hanging out. Ethan always loves to play in the backyard and Grandpa and GG's house so we spent a lot of time outside. We also went to the beach one day and the to the park another day. Grandpa had to work the whole week so we did not get to see much of him but that is just how life goes sometimes. Also before we had done all of our traveling we let a lady in our ward borrow our honda. She really needed a car and we were not going to be using it. So we figured why not help her out. Well she ended up wanting to drive the car to California to visit her mom and on her way the engine light went on and to make a long story short she did not drive it anymore and called us telling us what had happened. So luckily we were in Cali and we were planning on going to San Diego (where she was) to hit the beach and visit with my sister. So we had to go down and give the lady money so that she could get it fixed and get back to AZ. Crazy stuff!! Any who besides that all going down it was a really nice trip. Enjoy the pics! 

Ethan tracing me with chalk! haha He loved doing it!!

This is what Ethan did to his food. He said he wanted some more cheese, so he started putting more cheese on his plate. Before I knew it this is what his plate looked like! haha Silly kid! 

We also went to the institute building where my mom works to have some Waffles and let Brandon play some ping pong with my moms boss. While we were waiting for her boss to play ping pong with Brandon we played sword fighting with some pool noodles! :-) 

What a cutie!! 

This poor little owie happened while Ethan was running around the house. He came past me and as he past I went to smack his bum and I caught him just right to have him slam face first into my parents automon. 

On Tuesday we headed down to the beach. We figured it would be fun to go to the beach and then see my sister Tifany. So we hit the beach for a few hours and then went swimming at my sisters place for a little bit before grabbing dinner with her and Q. It was a fun day! 

Wyatt LOVED the water way more than Ethan did. Ethan did not want anything to do with the cold ocean water. Yet Wyatt wanted to sit in it and just loved it. It was pretty funny to watch! 

Park time!!

My little accident prone boy. He ran right into the railing on his way up the stairs. haha 

Wyatt loves slides too. I think Wyatt loves pretty much everything! haha 

It was a lot of fun spending time in California. However, I ended up catching a flu that Friday. What really stunk about that was that my dad was home that night and we were going to be able to play games and have fun but instead I went to bed early and was up chucking everything. So much fun!! YUCK!! And that concluded our Cali trip, we headed home the next morning. 

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