Monday, September 15, 2014

Idaho Trip

So at the end of August we decided to go to Idaho once again since Brandon had some time off work. We wanted to see Grandma and Grandpa Murri's new house so we figured why not go and spend some time with them. It was a quick trip but it was fun! We played games, went golfing, played at the park and got snow cones! It was a fun quick trip! Oh ya and Wyatt slept in a big boy bed for the first time while we were in Idaho. He for some reason would not sleep in the pack-n-play. So we finally gave in and put him on the big bed next to the bed Ethan was sleeping on and he slept great for the first 2 nights. Then he realized he could get out and started getting out of bed until we would threaten him with the pack-n-play. It did not continue when we got home but while we were there it worked a few nights. Even though a couple of those nights he ended up sleeping in bed with us (not fun since my kids move like crazy). It was weird having our best sleeping child not being our best sleeping child while we were there. Must have been the new house that Grandma and Grandpa Murri were in. So weird! 
On our way to Idaho we stopped at Wingers in Rock Springs Wyoming. It was yummy and we got the asfault pie for dessert. Normally we LOVE this ice cream dessert but for some reason the Wingers we went to changed the carmel on it to a homemade butterscotch (not so yummy). We were disappointed! Oh well you win some you lose some! haha

Wyatt has been on this trying to be grumpy phase! He likes to pretend that he is grumpy and scowl at us! haha! Silly kid! 

He thought he was so funny! And... we did too! :-) He is a cute little stinker!! :-) 

Daddy being grumpy!! 

Then they both had to be grumpy!

Sure do love all my boys! 

We went to a little junior short coarse in Idaho! It was fun and the boys had a blast! Although we had to keep moving the boys so they wouldn't smack each other with the golf club it was still a success! 

So much fun golfing with Grandma and Grandpa Murri! 

Park Time:

The last day we were there we went and played at the park for a few hours before heading back home! The boys had fun and Wyatt got tired and almost fell asleep in the swings! haha 
We always have a good time visiting with family and are always sad to leave! Although it was a short trip it was worth it! 

On our way home we stopped at the IN N OUT in South Odgen for dinner and had my siblings meet up with us! It was so much fun seeing them! It had been over a year since we had seen Weston and Hayley, or more! So it was so much fun to have them be able to stop by and have dinner with us! Ethan and Wyatt sure loved it too!! 

Sure do love my family! 

Wyatt took a huge bite and had it hanging out of his mouth. Instead of taking it out he just let it sit there while David took a picture! haha Silly kid! 

We wish we could live closer to everyone or that every one of our siblings and our parents could just move to Colorado and live by us! Family is just a great thing and we miss both of our families all the time!! Maybe some day we will live closer or just be able to visit family more often! Only time will tell! 

We drove home and hit a storm and this rainbow that I took a picture of was an actual full sized rainbow. This is only half of the rainbow that we saw. It was the full length arched rainbow. I thought it was cool because I have never seen a full one before! I wish I could have gotten a picture of the full thing but it was huge! 
Anyways, that is our trip in a nut shell! It was fun and short lived but totally worth it! :-) 

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