Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ethans Preschool Graduation

Well Ethan graduated Preschool on May 22nd. It is crazy to think that he is going to be in kindergarten next year! Anyways, Brandon had to work so I took the boys and got most of his graduation on video so that Brandon could watch it later. It was a cute graduation filled with cute songs and little things the kids had to say. Ethan got nervous for his little part and had to have help saying, "Now we will sing the ABC's rockstar style!" haha. I think it is funny that he couldn't remember his part for his graduation but he did awesome for his part in the primary program last year! It was cute watching all the kids sing songs and have fun. At one point Ethan looked like he was going to throw up. He started looking really upset and then when we made eye contact I asked him what was wrong. He then pointed to his mouth, which is what my boys do before they are going to throw up. Wyatt had just gotten over a stomach bug so I was really worried that Ethan was going to throw up during his graduation. Thankfully he didn't, and the show went on! 
Such a cute program!

So fun!! Ethan absolutely loved preschool this year and he loved his teacher Ms. Jamie! He always had to make sure that he said bye to her after each day of preschool!! The funny thing is that she is in our ward and her son Nixon is in Ethan's primary class and they are friends. So now that he is done with preschool he will still get to see Ms. Jamie at church and whenever he plays with is friend! 
Well I can't believe my little boy is getting so big. Time goes by so fast and he is growing up too fast! Crazy to think that he will be going on a bus to school next year!! What is even crazier is to think that now that he is in school the time that he spends at home will become less and less. So weird to think that he used to be home with me all the time and now he is going to be leaving me more and more each year!! I guess that is life!! He is super excited to start kindergarten in the fall and can hardly wait!! But for now we are going to enjoy our summer vacation! :-) 

So we also got some pictures back that his teacher had taken during the school year. So here is a perfect spot to put them. 

Here is Ethan's progress with writing from the beginning of the year to the end! 

Cute picture of his preschool class. 
Can't believe preschool is over. Say hello to our new adventure in Kindergarten!

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